8 Major Tips on How to Deliver a Persuasive Speech

Know How To Deliver A Persuasive Speech | 8 Major Tips 2019

When you deliver a persuasive speech, your objective should be to convince the audience of your ideas or points of view. While the topic you choose should be debatable; however, your arguments should reflect clarity of thought and self-confidence. When you are delivering a persuasive speech, the first thing you need to make sure is that there lies a solution to the problem at hand. After that, you need to demonstrate this solution to your target audience and suggest how your opinion will make all the difference.

If you are looking for tips to deliver a successful persuasive speech, then read on.

1. Give an impactful introduction

The key to an effective persuasive speech lies in starting with a catchy opening line. Not only do you need to grab the attention of the listeners but also lay a foundation for the arguments you plan to put forth. Therefore, your introduction should be concise and robust. You may take help up of surprising facts and figures, statistical numbers, historical events, etc. to give a great start to your speech.

2. Outline the solution in the main body of the speech

The main body of your speech should include testimonials, real-life instances, and even some humorous statements to keep your audience engaged. Each argument should be explained with one paragraph, and all the paragraphs should be logically connected.

3. End your speech on a high note

The final part of your speech is the conclusion wherein you are required to summarise and stress upon the main points of consideration. Do not just copy it from the previous paragraphs. Ideally, you should call your audience for action. You could use a quote for this purpose.

4. Brainstorm before writing down your speech

Before you start penning down your thoughts, it is important that you brainstorm the structure of the ideas you plan to put forward. Doing so will not just help you in making an interesting speech but will also provide you with the window to experiment with new genres. When you choose the topic for your speech, make sure to stay away from those that are too controversial or may end up hurting the feelings and sentiments of some people. Making sure that you do not go overboard is important.

5. Do not counter your arguments

While delivering a persuasive speech, it is essential to remind yourself that it is not a discussion. Therefore, do not leave any room for the contradiction of your arguments. At the same time ensure that the structure of your speech is simple and easy to understand. The more complex your speech gets, the more difficult it will be for the audience to remember.

6. Focus on the delivery of the speech

While you are addressing the audience, you need to make sure that you stick to a well-thought-out structure. Do not make a very lengthy speech. In other words, keep it short and crisp. The key to writing a successful persuasive speech is to have belief in your own words.

Putting forth arguments and speaking from your heart will ultimately make a speech persuasive and it will inspire the audience. Make sure not to mention anything superficial.

Most importantly do not write anything that you can’t say. Your speech should not just be fluent but free from grammatical errors.

7. Design the speech keeping your audience into consideration

While writing down your speech and delivering it, make sure you do a thorough audience analysis. This analysis will help you in understanding what is it that your audience wants to hear and what is it that they will resist. You need to put forward your arguments in a way that matches their interests. While delivering a successful persuasive speech you need to keep in mind that your goal is to change the mentality of your target audience. That is why it becomes crucial that you take care of the opinions and the needs of your audience.

8. Give your speech an emotional touch

While delivering an effective persuasive speech, keep in mind to be sensitive and caring towards the feelings of every section of the people in the society. Emotion becomes a powerful tool to convince someone to believe in your arguments. While delivering your speech make sure you touch upon the lives of your listeners and use emotional language to persuade and motivate them.

How a Persuasive Speech Can be Delivered Effectively?

The importance of persuasive speech cannot be denied. But you need to know how to deliver it properly so that you can make more people understand your opinion, point of view etc. but before presenting your speech you should remember that amidst the audiences you are going to give your speech is uncontrollable. And you will get the feedback at the end of your speech. So, prepare your speech properly and make it flawless. Sometimes it is seen that students prefer to use a lengthy video part by part, whenever they get time, so, your content must be interesting and material enriched. Below, we have listed the technique of delivering persuasive speech.

  • Before delivering your speech, the first thing you need to check is your equipment. Take your time to check all of them and be sure that everything is in a good condition.
  • Before delivering your speech, do a thorough research about your audiences i.e., who are they, their profession, age group etc.
  • You can check similar videos regarding the topic that will help you to deliver your speech properly.
  • The main motive of your speech should be to inspire your audience.
  • While delivering your speech you should be more conscious about your body languages. You’ll not move your hands unnecessarily and your pronunciation should be clear.
  • You can start the persuasive speech with a greeting, it will sound good. For example, you can start like this, “Good evening, everyone. My name is Tailor. Hope you all are good.”
  • After that you can start the session with a question that is familiar with them.
  • Once you have got their attention, now you need to come to the topic.

How to Deliver Argumentative Speech?

  • The first thing you need to think about before delivering your speech is to attract your audience to you. You need to draw their attention. You may start the session with an interesting question or telling them a fact or story related to your topic.
  • In argumentative speech, providing background information regarding the topic is necessary. You can provide them with a context that will help them to understand the whole thing that you are going to describe them.
  • You can take help of a research statement that you have prepared for that particular purpose. You should have proper evidence to support your opinion.
  • You must have prepared proper viewpoints to defend the speeches of your opponents.

Structure of Persuasive Speech

The main purpose of persuasive speech is to convince your audience with your own opinion and point of view regarding a topic.

You can make persuasive speech in your own format but you have to follow the basic guidelines too. It must possess an introduction and a clear thesis statement. Between these two lies the body of the speech where you can include your own ideas, point of views and finish it with an attractive conclusion. Persuasive speech is mainly classified into three categories based on preposition of fact, proposition of policy and lastly preposition of value. A standard persuasive speech consists of an introduction, three main points to support your statement and a summary.

How Can You Write a Persuasive Speech?

Before starting the writing, we should know the format of writing a persuasive speech. Below, we have listed some tips, I hope it would be helpful for you.

  • You don’t need to confront your argument throughout the speech. Don’t pay heed towards the other side. The only thing you need to do is just stick to your own point of view and try to convince your audience with positive approaches.
  • Try not to use jargon. You can use simple statistics to prepare your speech. But remember that your intention is not to overwhelm your audience with difficult sentences that will make them baffled.
  • While making the speech strictly follow the structure or format of it. The best way to approach your audience is to make your speech as simple as that will easily be gullible to them.

Before making the final statement, prepare a draft at first. While making the speech remember that the introductory part should be compelling to your audience. Based on this introduction your audience will make their mind that they will agree with your ideas or not.

The above tips will not just help you in delivering a successful persuasive speech but will also help you in becoming an influencer to inspire change into the lives of people. The key is to make sure that you persuade your audience by sensitizing them towards the problem in hand in an ethical fashion. A final tip from our side is to practice your speech again and again before the final show. Make sure your speech is informative too, just remember the tips for successful informative speech. Value the time of your audience and make sure to leave an impact.

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