How to Ace the Art of Writing Argumentative Essays

argumentative essays

The argumentative essay explores a genre of writing that needs the student to indulge in an extensive investigation of a topic and convince your audience for or against the motion by collecting and evaluating evidence. It is crucial to remind yourself that the argumentative essay is different from an expository essay. This is because the former requires extensive research of literature or previously recorded material and published data. The students can also collect data through various other ways like surveys, experiments, interviews, and observations to come to a final decision. It also helps the student in learning about the topic and generating different points of view helping him make a wise decision.

On the other hand, expository essays are used in-class writing exercises and tests and therefore shorter in length requiring lesser research.

If you are in search for guidance on how to get started with an argumentative essay, then you have come at the right place.

1. Start with an enticing point

You need to take care of the introductory paragraph which should be written around your thesis statement while providing a brief background. Mentioning an impressive statistic or referring to a quote or a personal anecdote can help you effectively engage your audience. Many people tend to start with a question also. No matter what technique you use the first sentence of your essay should draw the reader in and get him or her thinking.

(a) State your thesis

The background in the introduction should make a smooth transition into your central argument.

(b) Give a very brief insight into your evidence

While introducing your essay make sure to state the main arguments backed up with relevant evidence. However, avoid going into too much detail and leave the same for the body paragraphs.

There are various other exciting ways to introduce your ideas in an argumentative essay. These include telling a true story, depicting a hypothetical situation that explains the problem, comparing and contrasting, etc.

2. Outline your work

Argumentative essays tend to have a straight forward approach in their organization. You start by pulling in the interest of the audience and making them intrigued into what you are trying to say. Then follows a proper explanation of the controversy or the problem in hand and different sides of the debate. After that, you indicate which side do you stand by and convince your audience why it is the best decision to make using relevant and authentic data. In here, you are required to defeat any objections that may pop up in anyone’s mind.

Basically, your objective should be towards your audience to adapt your thinking and point of view.

3. The body is of central importance

The body of an argumentative essay generally consists of 4 to 5 paragraphs each of them presenting a new and separate piece of evidence supporting your claim. One of the hacks to delivering a stronger argumentative essay is by stating opposing arguments and refuting them. If you want to convince your audience of a particular claim you will be having 4 or 5 reasons for the same. These reasons are nothing but the topic sentences for each of the paragraphs in the body of the essay. You need to support each of these reasons with examples, authorities, statistics, and logic. Most importantly, all these reasons should seem plausible and connected systematically.

In the body of the argumentative essay, you are also required to anticipate the opposing arguments that may come up in your reader’s mind. Make sure to address them in the body of the essay.

4. Wrap it up with the conclusion

The conclusion not just summarises your entire piece of work, but it also mirrors the introduction in many ways. In this part of your argumentative essay, state your thesis statement and pull the attention of your audience towards the main argument without going into the facts and figures again. It would not be wrong to deny that the conclusion ties the whole piece together. When you are coming down towards the end of the essay, make sure not to present new arguments and instead focus on inspiring your audience to think the “big picture.” Presenting hypotheticals and showing your audience what may or may not happen if your argument is not followed is another way to conclude your essay. The key to writing a successful conclusion to an argumentative essay is including a call to action and appealing to the reader’s morals, emotions and instincts at the end.

The above steps will certainly help you in writing a successful argumentative essay. There are basically four main characteristics you need to keep in mind while writing an argumentative essay. These characteristics will also help you in writing an attractive essay. These are CDRM, that is, your essay should be Current, Debatable, Researchable and Manageable. If your essay lacks any of the above characteristics, you may end up with an essay that lacks passion.

Argumentative Essay Format

In an argumentative essay the author reflects both sides of an argument. While writing an argumentative essay you must have proper skill to cope with it. Based on students’ writing, research and analytical skill a proper argumentative essay can be made.

  • The style of presenting an argumentative essay is in a debate format.
  • The title must be written in a question format, i.e. why X is considered to be a better product than Y or vice versa.
  • If you find in the writing you need to choose any one side, in such cases you may feel confused. So, handle the solution very carefully.
  • An argumentative essay is made up of three parts, i.e. introduction, body and conclusion. You can divide it into five paragraphs i.e. the first paragraph for introduction, next 2 or 3 paragraphs for the body and the last paragraph for conclusion.

How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step by Step to Make it Ideal 

Are you searching for how to write an argumentative essay step by step, then this particular blog will give you proper guidance regarding it. Below we have mentioned the necessary steps; I hope it will be helpful to write an argumentative essay.

  • The first and foremost step of writing an argumentative essay is to choose a proper topic for your writing. Don’t panic after reading the name argumentative essay because, just like other essays, you will get tons of topics based on it and you can choose one for yourself.
  • But while choosing, keep in mind that the topic must be relevant with your subject, it must be an important one etc.
  • As you  have chosen an apt topic for your writing, then you need to do thorough research  on it. It includes, on which side you want to present your opinions,  how you can present the arguments so that it may appeal to a larger audience.
  • While doing research, you need to keep evidence of what has supported your argument.
  • Lastly, you need to deck up all the information in a proper order so that you can submit your argumentative essay with evidence.
  • While researching, you should be careful about the source of information, their accuracy level, reliability of the source etc. If possible read the reviews given in that website and then start accumulating information from it.
  • As you have gathered all the information, don’t start writing for the final project.
  • The introductory part of the argumentative essay must be catchy. It must draw readers’ attention. So the beginning of your writing should be interesting. You can take help of rhetorical questions, quotes etc. too.
  • Next, you need to provide necessary information regarding the topic. Here you don’t need to mention the argument.
  • In the next part you need to represent your thesis statement or focal points of argument. Your main motive is to defend your own point of view, so be careful about it. Your thesis must contain necessary information about your ideas and why you are supporting it.
  • You have to start the body paragraph with the topic sentence that clearly indicates the focus of the topic, then claim the argument and tell your audience why you have chosen it.
  • Next, you need to give valid reason, proof to defend yourself.
  • Then conclude the statement with a proper sentence.
  • In the conclusion section, restate your thesis again and give a brief summary of the argument.
  • Lastly, you need to edit the essay if needed.

Tips for Writing an Argumentative Essay

A well written argumentative essay will always give you a distinction in the class. Below we have mentioned some tips for writing argumentative essays; I hope it would be helpful for you.

  • At first make a draft
  • Take your time to write it
  • Gather necessary information to support your opinions, ideas etc.
  • After drafting, check the grammatical errors and punctuations.
  • Revise it as much as you can to make it flawless.
  • If possible check the essay with proofreading software.
  • Arrange all the information properly that will help you to draw readers’ attention.
  • Find such a topic that has counter arguments and plethora of information.
  • make sure whatever you have included in your writing is accurate.
  • Gather necessary information on both sides of the arguments
  • Deck up the essay format properly
  • To avoid plagiarism don’t forget to cite the source of information.
  • Don’t include your own point of views, always rely on the research and evidence that are available. 

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