8 Effective Tips to Avoid Plagiarism

Tips to Avoid Plagiarism, How to Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism refers to an instance of using the ideas, thoughts, and arguments of another author without prior authorization and proper permission. It is the representation of another individual’s work as one’s own. A plagiarized piece of work not just showcases a lack of skills and knowledge, but it can also lead to copyright infringement. Plagiarism may also be caused due to the pressure of creating good quality content in the overabundance of existing resources both online and offline. Add to this the burden of time constraints which makes the act of copying someone else’s work unethical and unprofessional. To avoid plagiarism, multiple ways are there, the ways need to be followed properly.

While it is easy to find data and information for most research papers, it is not easy to include those data points into your paper without following for plagiarism. Following are some simple pointers which you should keep in mind to ensure that your speech, essay, assignment or paper is free from plagiarism.

Let’s start on how to avoid plagiarism

1. Cite your sources

Citing is one of the most successful ways to avoid plagiarism. Depending upon the formatting guidelines and citing regulations used by your educational institute, you could make use of MLA, Chicago, or APA format of referencing. Once you have mentioned the name of the author along with the date of publication and similar information you can comfortably cite the data from other sources.

2. Quoting

When you are quoting a source or an individual you should remember to use the quote precisely the same way as it appears in the original piece of work. Doing so is essential because no one wants to be misquoted. It is a good practice to use quotes having 40 or lesser words. As a researcher, you should also know that citing a quote is different from citing paraphrased material. The former requires mention of the page number along with the paragraph number in case your source is from the web.

3. Referencing

Including reference(s) to all the sources at the end of your paper is another easy way for you to avoid plagiarism. Referencing should also follow the document formatting guidelines laid down by your educational institute. A reference table is more specific and includes details about the author, the date of publication, the source title, etc.

4. Paraphrase to avoid plagiarism

Once you have found information that is perfect for your essay or assignment, the next step for you is to imbibe the main idea and paraphrase it in your own words. You can substantiate the main argument using personal examples or instances from history.

5. Start early

Many people do not realize, but a looming and stringent deadline can trigger the need to complete your assignment quickly without proper research. This can result in plagiarism. To avoid such plagiarism, make sure you devote enough time to researching, brainstorming, and writing your research paper. It is imperative to remind yourself that you need a buffer to edit and double check your content multiple times to ensure that there isn’t anything that is not yours on your paper.

6. Refer to more than one source

You are bound to fall under the trap of plagiarism if your research is limited to one source only. If you base all your arguments and ideas on one piece of content, then there is a danger of following its phrasing, structure and other characteristics. Therefore, you should try to refer to more than one sources. These include encyclopedia, websites, journals, e-papers, podcasts, interviews, and surveys. Referring to many sources also adds authenticity to your argument making it much more convincing.

7. Check for plagiarism regularly

The best way to make sure your content is free from plagiarism and hundred percent original is by running your content through a content checker at regular intervals of time. There are free and paid services available online which can be used to detect whether your material is duplicate or plagiarized.

8. Add value

Do not try to include all the data and information you find in external sources. Instead, try to add some value to the topic or the problem under consideration by mentioning your insights. This will not just help you in scoring high marks but will also give an impression that you have gone into the depth of the topic and understood the problem from various viewpoints. You may even ask your friends, colleagues, teachers, and mentors for their feedback and opinion.

The above tips and strategies will certainly help you in avoiding plagiarism. One of the crucial factors you should keep in mind while referring to other sources is the fact that their audience could be completely different from yours. You should also identify what information is necessary and should be cited and what data points are redundant and therefore, can be eliminated. Once you have grasped the context of the topic, it would be easy for you to produce a unique piece of work.

What are the Necessary Ways to Avoid Plagiarism?

Plagiarism means stealing someone’s own ideas, work etc whether intentionally or unknowingly and claim it as your own. But there are certain guidelines regarding plagiarism for the writers. So, before inculcating something into mind, someone must check the plagiarism before publishing it or submitting to its customers or readers.

If you are struggling through the phase, then you must know what are the ways to avoid plagiarism in your writing. So, without wasting time, let’s give a wide look at it and apply it while writing. The ways are given below.

  • While writing, keep in mind that you will not copy the ideas of others while describing something. You may take help from others’ writing by reading their work and inculcating your thoughts into mind, but you can’t just copy and paste another’s material in your writing.
  • Before starting writing, read various sources of that particular topic as much as you can. It may give you vast knowledge regarding the topics and new ideas will grow into your mind.
  • While writing you must be aware that you will not copy someone’s style. You should build your own style that will give you success in your writing. Your writing must be clear, to the point and concise. If you simply copy other’s material or information then it may be considered as plagiarizing content.

How to Avoid Plagiarism?

From childhood we have learned about plagiarism. There our teachers warned us not to copy another’s writing, but that time due to lack of proper knowledge and understanding we failed to recognize it. With the advancement of academic level, the importance of checking plagiarism becomes a part of any writing. Based on this, our marks on assignments or uniqueness of writing depend. So, avoiding plagiarism is necessary if you want to become successful in academics. Now the question may arise in your mind about how to avoid plagiarism. Below we have mentioned some tips regarding it, I hope this will give you a wide knowledge.

  • While writing, keep in mind that you will not just copy and paste, you will read it as much as you can and accumulate information from it. Then deck it up in your own way.
  • If you think extracting a particular part is necessary that is written by another writer or author, then simply use quotation marks and don’t forget to mention the name of that author in your writing.
  • While adding some ideas in your writing, then you must add a citation in it which includes the full name of the source, the date when it was published and other necessary information that may be needed.
  • You may paraphrase the ideas or information of others and present it in a different way without changing its meaning.

Tips to Avoid Plagiarism

Below we have mentioned some necessary tips to avoid plagiarism. Follow it thoroughly while writing and avoid plagiarism.

  • Instead of copying others information, arrange the material in your own way and then submit it to the readers.
  • While writing you should be clear that you are not copying the text from other’s writing and claiming it to be yours.
  • Frame the idea in your mind properly and then start working on it.
  • As your writing is completed, you may take help of plagiarism checkers that are available online. Using it you can check your writing. If omitting and edition is needed then do it to make your content unique.

Strategies to Avoid Plagiarism

We all want to make such writings that must be superior in quality. Sometimes we take help from different electronic media and try to add that point in our writing. But while checking the plagiarism checker we find it as plagiarized content. It makes us worried and we start thinking how to make it plagiarism free. Below we have mentioned some strategies to avoid plagiarism. I hope this will be helpful for making unique content.

  • Start your writing as soon as possible and take time to do enough research on that particular topic. While we are in a rush we try to finish our work as soon as possible and as a result we start copying others’ material.
  • Proofread your writing before submitting. It does not take a lot of time, so do it to make your writing plagiarism free.
  • The best way to present something is to just paraphrase any idea and represent it with your own thoughts and actions.
  • Take help of a plagiarism checker and produce unique quality writing. 

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