Know the Process of Writing a Business Report with Example


Are you an employee? Want to know about the process of writing a business report? Then this blog is going to be apt for you; in this blog our assignment help experts will guide you regarding the procedure of business report writing in detail with the help of examples. So, stay tuned with us.

While going through the academics, we learn the process of writing report writing, but the name ‘business report’ seems to be unknown for most people and I am sure that most of them have not heard about it earlier. But you will feel wonder after hearing the importance of this business report in business sectors. For business purposes, mainly formal business reports are used and it helps the managers and CEO of the company to make decisions regarding various projects. The purpose of a business report is wide in range and it totally depends on the need of the company. If you learn the process of writing a business report it will surely help you to make a clear distinction to get a good post in the company.

In simple sense, a business report is an official document that carries various data, important information, research and other necessary documents that are believed to be important for the industry. It helps the senior employees to take important decisions regarding any serious topic. The length of a business report depends on the topic or subject matter. It can be several pages long and it includes important data and information.

How to Write a Business Report?

1. Planning: before you start writing, you need to plan exactly what you want to write in your report. It will help you to make a better business report that is simple and clear.

2. In-house format: most of the time it is found that most companies have their own in-house format and they follow it while making any report. Before writing you may ask your officials to provide the format. If you use this established format, it would surely be helpful for you and make your report look more professional.

3. Title: adding a brief and clear title at the beginning of your report would make your report look perfect. Here, you can put your name or the names of those who have worked on this report. Don’t forget to mention the date on which you wrote the report.

4. Table of Contents: adding the table of contents is essential for business report writing. You need to attach the page at the beginning of the report but you will prepare the page when your writing is completed. Don’t make a mess while arranging the papers. As sometimes it is found that the page numbers, headings of different sectors and the data that is enlisted in the contents do not match. So, be sure of it before submitting your project.

5. Add a summary: if your report is short then you may not need this particular sector; but if your report is long then adding a summary is needed through which you will summarize the key points of your business report. It will inform your readers about your findings and help them to draw to a conclusion.

6. Introduction: at the beginning of your business report, the introductory part is necessary. It will tell your readers about your intention of writing this report. Make sure that it serves the purpose properly.

7. Methodology: in this part you will explain the method you used while making your report. It must be a clear justification and satisfies your opinion of why you have chosen this method etc. 

8. Next, you need to find the outcome of your report. Read all the part of the report i.e.  every headings, subheadings, numbering, page number etc properly and organize it in proper sequence.

9. Conclusion: now finish your business report with a good conclusion. If you want to add any recommendation, you can add it here. Be sure that your goals, methods and opinion must be clear for the readers to understand.

10. Bibliography: include all the sources that you have used while making the report. It may be a map, tables, charts, notes etc.

11. Before submitting your writing don’t forget to proofread your report. It will make your writing flawless and credible to the readers.


Report on Product Turnover in XYZ Pvt. Ltd.

Submitted June 6, 2016


The sales manager requested this report to examine the low turnover rate of the products of XYZ Pvt. Ltd. The information of the report was accumulated from the members of the sales department over six months. The three member team analyzed the selling records. In this report, recommendations are made to increase the yearly turnover of our products.


XYZ has been active for the last 16years. It is basically a car manufacturing company that sells electric cars. It has approximately 150 employees. Its annual turnover is 15 crore.


The most significant issue that our sales team found is that increased price of raw material and unfavorable condition of laborers are the reasons for the decrease in product sales.


Main drawbacks are:

1.   Price hike

2.   Poor infrastructure for labors


1.   Infrastructure can be improved.

2.   Decrease the price of products.

Conclusion: I hope by reading this blog, you’ll get a clear idea of business report writing.If still you have doubt, you can ask our assignment help experts by logging to our official website GotoAssignmentHelp.

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