What is Paraphrasing and How to Form It? Paraphrasing Writing Examples


Are you thinking of making your own Paraphrase?

Don’t know how to make paraphrases? Don’t worry; in this blog our assignment help online experts will guide you regarding the detailed process of paraphrase writing.

Before going to any step we need to know what is paraphrasing. There are many students for whom the idea of paraphrase is not clear at all. In general paraphrasing means formulating other’s ideas in your own writing with your own words. While doing so you can’t change the meaning of the original text, you need to change the formation of the sentences without changing the theme.

You can say paraphrasing is the substitute of quoting where you quote someone else’s words and you need to put them in the quotation marks. According to experts, in academic writing if you paraphrase in lieu of quoting, it shows your skills and expresses that you have understood the meaning of the main topic.

You may think what are the major differences between paraphrasing and quoting?

It is the most common question that strikes in students’ minds. If you do a thorough research you will understand that while taking notes from a text, you are actually paraphrasing the idea of the topic and avoiding the quotes. According to experts, it is always advisable to use direct quotes in your writing because

  • Paraphrasing is the proof that you have understood the topic very prominently.
  • It must express your point of views
  • The most important thing is that while you have a lot of quotes in your writing, you are actually decreasing the scope of writing your own opinion or expressions.

On the other hand quotes are important

  • While you are describing a precise definition.
  • You need to provide evidence to support your point of view.
  • Claiming something.
  • Mentioning about the author’s style etc.

While adding a paraphrase in your writing you need to cite the source. But while doing so you should be more careful that you are copying word by word or it may look more similar with the original quote. Otherwise, you may be accused of plagiarism.

Below we have mentioned a few steps, by following these you can do paraphrasing for yourself:

  1. As you get the topic, you need to read the topic twice, thrice or even more if it is needed and be sure that you have understood the theme clearly.
  2. Now you can mark the key points on the material or note down the concept in a copy.
  3. While taking notes be sure that you are writing it in your own language, not copying the lines from the text.
  4. Now read both the text i.e. the original one and that you noted on your copy and compare it, if any correction is needed then do it. While doing so you can adjust your text with various phrases and meanings that may look more similar with the original one.
  5. The last and the final stage is you need to cite the original source from where you found it.

If you find the above mentioned five steps are too straightforward to understand then the points mentioned below will surely help you to understand paraphrasing in detail. These are basically some tips that most students find easy to use.

I assure you, if you apply it in your writing, you will surely succeed in writing a good paraphrasing:

  1. As you have read the original source and understood the main idea of the topic, now begin your paraphrasing with a completely different sentence that must not be similar with the original passage.
  2. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to use synonymous words, to use it properly you should have a strong knowledge in vocabulary.
  3. Split the long sentences into separate short sentences.
  4. Always try to use simple sentences instead of complex and compound sentences.
  5. The best way to rewrite your sentence is to change the sentence structure i.e. you can change the sentence using voice, active to passive or vice-versa.

As you are able to use paraphrasing in your writing successfully you must give the credit of the original author and the site from where you have taken the idea or quote. It does not matter what kind of paraphrasing style you are using in your work, but you are doing it that’s all.

Conclusion: I hope this blog will help you to know about paraphrasing in detail. I am sure, after reading the whole blog; you will get an outline regarding this. While reading if you find any kind of difficulty or have any query, you can ask our online essay assignment help experts without hesitation.

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