What are the 6 Techniques of Argumentative Writing? Strategies with Examples


Are you a student? Curious to know about the six strategies for argumentative writing? Then this blog is going to be helpful for you. Here present our assignment writing help experts will guide you regarding the six argumentative writing techniques in detail. 

In academic writing, students get various types of writing and they need to follow a particular writing technique to proceed with the assignments. In this regard, knowing all the techniques in detail is a must. Over the decades, three main writing techniques have dominated academic writing i.e. narrative, explanatory, and argumentative. Most teachers prefer to give attention to these three writing techniques, but in modern days, teachers give attention to the other three techniques too. So, as a result, it has become an important part for the students to learn all the techniques thoroughly. 

What is an Argumentative Writing?

Before going to any conclusion, we need to know what argumentative writing is. Argumentative writing is a technique that seeks clear, logical thinking and it teaches you how to appeal to your readers through your writing. In present days, it has become a necessary part. If students learn this writing style thoroughly, it gives them additional benefits in flourishing their academic level and in their professional life too. 

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What is the Main Purpose of Argumentative Writing?

The purpose of argumentative writing is to organize and present all your point of view and give special emphasis on a well-reasoned conclusion in order to persuade your readers or audience to accept your opinion or point of view. 

What are the Elements of an Argumentative Writing?

Proper argumentative writing is written based on some major components such as claims, reason, evidence, counter-claim, and rebuttal. 

  • Claim 

This particular component is taken by the writer where the writer tries to prove his or her own argument. 

  • Reason 

In reason or reasoning, the writer provides necessary support to the claim, and these reasons are supported by proper well-researched evidence. 

  • Evidence

To prove your own point of view you need to give support to your reasoning. Here you can take the help of statistics, facts, surveys, quotations, etc through which you can satiate your readers’ minds. 

  • Counter-claim 

This particular segment opposes the position, counterarguments, etc.

  • Rebuttal 

This particular section disproves the counterclaim; sometimes it addresses the criticism of the claim of the writer. 

Below our online assignment help Cyprus experts have explained these six argumentative writing techniques in detail; just read it and know it in detail. 

  1. Distinguishing Argumentation from Persuasion

National writing standards and the tests through which writings are assessed it mainly focus on argumentation rather than persuasion. Sometimes, while practicing, these approaches overlap more than they can withdraw. But before applying these in writing, students need to understand the difference between these persuasions and argumentation. 

What is Persuasion?

It is a technique through which writers appeal to readers’ emotions and by which they make them believe to take that specific action. Such type of technique we find in the advertisement where they use such appealing tone, that easily draws the consumer’s attraction and make them bound to buy that product or avail the service. 

What is Argumentation?

It is a type of technique in which logic and evidence are used to build a case. In scientific methods and laws, we find the usage of argumentation. 

  • Constructing an Opinion Statement 

If you don’t make a clear main claim or opinion statement throughout your writing, it will not give a clear impact on your readers. If you write an argument without a claim it may look weird, and it will not be able to draw your readers’ attention. 

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Here students need to follow some simple formula to establish a claim based on truth, value, and policy. 

  • Appeal to Your Audience 

If you write a claim to make your readers attentive to your writing, then you should be conscious that there are various types of readers who are suspicious and don’t believe in any statement without having any proof. There are mainly three types of rhetorical appeals that are used to make your readers believable. The first two types define argumentation and the third type is used to persuade the readers. 

  • Appeal to Logos 

It indicates you must provide clear thinking and solid reasoning to your readers to support all your claims. These all claims are based on pure logic. 

  • Appeal to Ethos

It indicates you need to make your readers believe in your writing by citing from reputable sources, to build this, you can take the help of factual pieces of evidence. Here you need to present every issue in an organized way based on ethics. 

  • Appeal to Pathos

This particular technique is completely dependent on emotions. Here readers are persuaded by using emotions. 

  • Connecting with Anecdote 

Though we find that argumentative writing techniques never emphasize on emotional appeals, but still we need to connect the readers through emotions so that they can connect it with themselves. Almost every writer believe that any argumentative writing that fails to appeal to its readers with emotion, hopes, fears, self-interest, and then the writing is prone to fail. 

An actual anecdote always allows the students to add emotive impact and interest in all their writing. Students must practice using these anecdotes in formal writing, and make them habituated to using anecdotes in writing to connect with the readers. 

  • Answer to All Objections 

Sometimes students ignore the key opposing ideas in their writing, as a result, students lose their steam of writing. Here, you need to help your readers to understand that the readers’ opposition or disagreement does not make the argument weak, but actually makes it stronger. Below, we have added two facts to oppose any point of view. 

  • Counterarguments 

It mainly points out a weakness or flaw in any objection without remarking on the person who is actually objecting. 

  • Concessions 

It actually admits the value of an opposing viewpoint and helps the readers to return to the primary argument of the writers. 

  • Avoid All Logical Fallacies 

Like other types of writing, argumentative writing techniques also emphasize on clear and logical thinking. Sometimes such situation arises when students become eager to fight for a particular point of view that they intentionally or by default take misleading or illogical claims to prove their own point of view. In this regard, teachers must give necessary guidance to the students to avoid any unnecessary fallacies by thinking rationally. 

These six argumentative writing techniques are useful for students to write stronger and more convincing argumentative writing. In some forms of writing, we need the touch of description, a proper analysis, etc. in this regard, students need to learn all these in detail before they use it in their writing. 


I hope by reading the blog you have got adequate information regarding six techniques for argumentative writing. If you still have doubts and want to know more about these six techniques, then you can ask our assignment writing service experts without any hesitation. Our experts are available to serve you 24*7; as a result, you can contact with them anytime whenever you feel free. For more updates, you can visit our official website and check all the procedures for availing of our services. 

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