24 Back to School Organizational Ideas That Will Simplify Your School Life


After the summer ends, getting back to school seems to be exciting to some, and to some “hella work”. No matter how you feel about going back to school, a little bit of organization does not hurt. It will make your life a lot easier, and make you feel like a perfectionist. Here are 24 best back to school organizational ideas to get you back on your track, and to make your life a little easier.

  1. Being ready 10 minutes prior

Out of all the days, in all the months of your college, the one thing you cannot do is be late on your first day of college. It’s just not cool, no matter how you put it. If you are someone who has a tough time keeping up with the clock, then it is a good idea to set an alarm clock. That makes everything easier. Set an alarm clock or a timer, to ring at intervals. For example, if you are supposed to wake up at 6:00 am, then set alarms also at 6:10 am, and 6:20 am. Make sure to leave your house 10 minutes before. (FYI according to the time for reaching college, not according to the first scheduled class)

  1. Skip the bulky binding books

The binding books are unnecessarily heavy, and make things chaotic. A better option than a binding book is a notebook with tear-out-pages or a colour-coded accordion file folder. If you take any notes, you can tear them off, and you can put them into the designated slots which are colour coordinated. For example, the blue colour can be for English, and the red colour can be for mathematics. Like this, it becomes easier to keep a tab on your notes and their respective subjects, rather than summing them all in a fat book.

  1. Maintaining a file for everything

The best way to keep every material of yours organized, is by keeping everything filed. Get yourself a box file, or designate your cabinet drawers with a different slot for each subject. You can also colour coordinate all the tabs, as it helps you to match each of them with each class. You can organize all your assignments, reference materials, handouts and notes in this way, without worrying about losing them.

  1. Stacking handy supplies beforehand

At least once in your student life, you might have run out of supplies at the last moment. You might have handled this situation once or twice before, but it does not seem like a situation that can be handled every time. It is not cool to remember to get a bottle of gum at 9:30 pm, when the due timing is at 7:00 am the next day. To prevent these late night panic moments, get yourself a supplies stash beforehand. Also, if you buy your materials in bulk, it will also be cost effective.

  1. Organizing the backseat of your car

If you are a parent to a much younger child, then this one is for you. With small kids, you might sometimes get stuck with all the morning chores, which could make your child run late for breakfast. Organize the back of your car in such a way that your child can have some light meal on the go. Also, stuff the back area with tissue papers and paper bags.

  1. Making an afternoon snack for a delightful meal

If you are a parent to little children, then you can pull this cute rabbit and animal shaped meal trick to create an interest in your child for healthy food. Prepare and dress your food items in the shape of cute animals like a rabbit. This levels up the afterschool snack game. Also, you could add some baby carrots and hummus on the side.

  1. Plan ahead of time

Time management is a significant aspect when you are in school. You will get loaded with assignments, homework, projects and some co-curricular activities. Moreover, therefore, it is important to manage everything and plan everything in time. Make a planner, mark important dates on the calendar, and do your homework, the very particular day when it is given. Also, then make it a note to put everything inside the bag right away.

  1. Sort out your belongings while listening to music

Play the keep vs. toss game, to keep only those things which are required. Toss out your old worn clothes, books, stationery supplies, which don’t come to use anymore. Try out and keep only those clothes which you think you will wear, and the supplies and books that you will use. To make this task interesting, complete it while listening to music.

  1. Post your daily routine

Take a page and stick it on the wall. Every day write about those things which you did on a particular day. This way, you can keep a tab on how much productive work are you carrying out daily or all together in a week.

  1. Make a to-do-list

A To-do-list is very helpful. Every day after you wake up, make a to-do list for the following day. Keep checking out the tasks that you keep completing one by one. Before going to bed, take a look at which all tasks are pending, and you can ponder on when you could complete them according to your schedule.

  1. Make yourself a essentials box

To keep your mornings and last-minute hassle-free, make yourself an essential box. Put your identity card, house keys, bike keys, wallet, etc. inside this box. Without having to search for them everywhere, every morning, grab all your stuff from this box, and you will be all set to go.

  1. Make yourself a command centre

Attach a hanging wall file, to your wall and designate the slots with magazines, mail, coupons, and more. These help you to stay updated with all the reading that you have to catch up on, and all the emails that you have to read. Also attach some command hooks beside them, where you can hang your important keys.

  1. Create a lunchbox shelf

Make use of the reusable plastic containers. Label those containers with different snacks and ingredients which you would need, and stack them all on the shelf. You can also add a box of munchies on this shelf. Arrange them all beside the pantry snacks and thermoses etc.

  1. Stack up all the sandwich ingredients and essentials together

Sandwiches are a go-to breakfast and meals, when you don’t know what to prepare, or have no time to prepare one. Create a particular spot in the fridge for meat, cheese, butter, sauces, and spreads. Cut some vegetables beforehand for the entire week and store them in a container, next to the other essentials. You can quickly grab these on the go, or carry them for a snack.

  1. Designate your lunchboxes

Don’t wait for the present day’s lunchbox to get washed and dried, for the next day. Buy lunch boxes for the entire week, and label them from Monday to Friday/ Saturday. This way, the packing of the lunch box every morning will become a hassle-free task.

  1. Carrying two bottles of water

To drink 8 litres of water daily, you must carry at least two bottles of water to school. You cannot finish a water bottle, without sharing some of it with your peers. Therefore, it is a good option to carry two bottles to quench your thirst and to maintain a healthy body. Keep one inside the bag, and keep one on the outside pouch.

  1. Create a section for backpacks, shoes and sports equipment

The house can turn out to be messy, with bags, shoes and a football, and a basketball all lying around. Create a section strictly made for your bags, shoes and other items. This way, you will keep your belongings organized, and your surrounding would look neat and clean.

  1. Create a homework area

Create a particular homework area on your study desk. Stock this area with your homework books, pens, pencils and other supplies that you might require. Also get yourself a pen stand. Keep all the essentials like pens, glue sticks, markers, eraser, ruler, sharpener, whitener, ink bottle, etc. inside the pen stand. This makes the study time convenient and straightforward.

  1. Plan out weekday dinners beforehand

During weekdays, with school and daily study routine, it does not become to prepare a healthy heavy and delicious meal on a daily basis. Plan out, what food you will have for the entire week during dinner, beforehand. Write suggestions, and jot down notes so you can buy the ingredients in advance and you would not run out anything in the last minute.

  1. Layout your clothes for the week

Some schools have a uniform, and some do not. However, it is useful to plan out clothes for the entire week beforehand. Create sections in your wardrobe according to all the weekdays, and place the desired outfits in them. This can help you in the morning before going to school, or when you have to rush to your tuitions after coming back from school.

  1. Maintain a bed time

With school, classes, extracurricular activities, homework, self-study, a good 8-hour sleep is very important. If you are supposed to hit the bed at 10 pm, then complete all your work by 9 pm, this way, you will never be late for bed.

  1. Create a library book basket

To ensure that you return your library books on time, create a library book basket. You can keep tabs on your books, and when they have to be returned without misplacing them anywhere.

  1. Make your surroundings colourful

A colourful and neat and clean environment will motivate you to stay focused on your study and your work. Make the covers of your self-study books colourful. Alternatively, else turn the pen holder into a creative and artistic pen holder.

  1. Maintain an art-journal or a bullet journal

Art journals or bullet journals help you to stay stress-free. You can create a journal, where you list down your tasks all in a creative manner with drawings, colours, and paints. This helps you to remember things in a better manner. You can also draw or paint randomly in the journal, to bust your stress from time to time.

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