8 Phases of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle


The clinical Reasoning Cycle is a Concept that was promoted by Tracy-Levett Jones. He was a professor of Nursing at Newcastle. Nursing and Medical students know this topic very well. Clinical Reasoning is a process that is employed by Nurses or other health care professionals in analyzing the health condition of a patient. It is a process to find an exact diagnosis and treatment plan. Clinical Reasoning shows us how a nurse or other clinician treats their patients, and how they utilize their medical knowledge on a patient.

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In clinical reasoning, nurses and clinical employees use their knowledge in understanding local culture and medical ethics to improve a patient’s health condition. There are several benefits of clinical reasoning –

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Every medical person must need depth knowledge about clinical reasoning because sometimes poor clinical reasoning skills of clinicians make a patient’s health condition in danger and sometimes it takes place of death. But besides all of these clinical reasoning gives many benefits. Those are – it makes regular checkups, regular diagnoses, perfect treatment, it improves patient’s health day by day. The clinical reasoning cycle always avoids unnecessary medical checkups to reduce the patient’s medical cost. Clinical reasoning is a cyclical procedure that helps to prevent a serious medical issue and it shows the path of a spiral of clinical encounters.

8 phases of the clinical reasoning cycle are very important for a clinician, those are:

  • Consider the patient’s health situation.
  • Collect information about the patient.
  •  Process the information.
  • Identify the issues.
  • Set goals.
  • Take action.
  • Evaluate outcomes.
  • Reflection on the process and new learning.

Here are the details of 8 phases of clinical reasoning:

Consider the patient’s health situation: In the first phase of the clinical reasoning cycle, the clinicians receive the basic data of the patient. The nurses and the medical staffs take all the current medical status of the patient. As an example, we can tell a 60 year old woman is admitted to a special ward for her stomach pain.

Collect information about the patient: This is a very significant step including the clinical reasoning cycle. In this phase clinicians sincerely collect and compare the medical history and data of a patient. They consider the medical history based on health complaints, recent treatment plans, previous medical reports, and an ongoing medical statement. Nurses and clinical staffs use their knowledge of pharmacology to analyze patients’ conditions and establish cues.

Process the information: It is the most complex and hard phase of the clinical reasoning cycle. In this step, clinicians have to process every piece of information about the health status of a patient. The clinicians follow this process with respect to the pharmacological and pathophysiological patterns. They select the most important details and then identify the possible outcomes.

Identify the issues: This phase is the fourth step of the clinical reasoning cycle. In this phase nurses and medical staff search for the cause of a patient’s health condition. The medical staffs remand all the problems perfectly if the health issues of a patient are identified properly.

Set goals: Goal setting is a major part of any action. After analyzing a patient’s health status clinicians plan the treatment goal. The treatment goals always have a time bound.  The medical staffs always are aware of all the steps of the treatment plan and the time zone.

Take action: After setting goals clinicians implement the plan for the treatment of the patient. They utilize the treatment plan in action to take positive feedback on the patient’s health. And the most important thing to achieve is the goal of the treatment plan, every team member of the treatment plan should know the most updated information about the plan.

Evaluate outcomes: In this phase nurses and clinicians evaluate if their plan of treatment or diagnosis works or not. If there is a positive effect resulting from the patient’s health then the plan is successful and the clinicians continue with that procedure of treatment. But if the previous plan does not work positively on the patient’s health then the medical team readjusts the plan.

Reflection on plan and new learning: It is the eighth and final phase of the clinical reasoning cycle. In this step nurses and clinical staff reflect on the new things that learned from a case. So, we can call this phase a case study of the clinical reasoning cycle. The things that a clinician has learned from a particular case, they use those things to achieve a better outcome for another patient’s health.

These were the details of the 8 phases of the clinical reasoning cycle. We hope now all of you can understand about clinical reasoning cycle. In general, health care experts follow the 8 phases mentioned above to cure a patient properly. They follow these steps to give a patient a riskless treatment. For a nursing student, the stage of the clinical reasoning cycle is very important to discuss clinical judgment. It helps students to make decision making power and apply the perfect “nursing process”.

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It is an ideal educational approach to training a nursing student. Clinical reasoning skill is a very effective skill for nurses and medical professionals to challenge a patient’s critical health situation. Medical professionals can improve their decision making skills in the medical field and provide the best health care for the patients. We know that studying nursing and medicine is a tremendous job. It is one of the hardest parts of the study that need a lot of pressure on practical and theoretical classes. The classes need various hard tasks to complete training. The nurses, who have clinical reasoning cycle training, give a positive impact on patient’s health.

So, it is full information, definition, and importance about the clinical reasoning cycle. Do you look for an expert to complete your clinical reasoning assignment? Don’t take pressure about this, now it is not a problem to find an authentic source that can help you in your assignment. GotoAssignmentHelp a renowned company gives you the chance to hire your assignment help experts. GotoAssignmentHelp provides its service to needy students for years. They provide high quality assignments and help students to grab a lot of marks. If you want to complete your nursing assignment, then visit the official website GotoAssignmentHelp Melbourne company and check our reviews. Grab the opportunities and Order now.

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