Effective Ending Conclusion That You Couldn’t Think Of


In school, universities and other academic institutions students are given assignments to work on- it can be reading a book, writing an essay, producing a review of a movie that you watched recently or visited someplace during summer vacation etc. Assignments can be regarding anything. Teachers mark the students with grade ‘A’ only when the essay starts and ends well providing all the necessary information.

Constructing a good beginning and conclusion is difficult because it requires a lot of time, effort, and skill.  The introduction of the assignment should give a clear notion of what the assignment is about. The concluding must end briefly as it defines the whole topic. A good conclusion strengthens your argument and summarises how you have proven its validity.
General points to remember
To write an interesting essay, your content must be according to the above-discussed points or else contradictory points can show that you have poor writing skills.  Try to bring more effective thoughts to support your argument and have a critical approach throughout your essay.

1) Summarise it properly: Summarise your argument and highlight the main point. The main idea is to satisfy the reader by putting the argument forward, stating facts or theory to prove your point. All this must be done briefly and not with a lengthy paragraph. The essence of every paragraph must be written in short and discuss them to the point instead of beating around the bush.

2) Asking questions:Some writers make their entire essay just about giving information to the reader. Ending your argument with a question is a good way of making a reading stick to the topic.

3) Accuracy:Aim for accuracy and originality of your conclusion. If your points are equivalent to the previous ones you must provide the reader why your research and arguments are original.

4) Make it interesting: Don’t make your assignment boring by simply talking about facts. Add some interesting anecdotes or examples. Nobody likes to read a vague and plain assignment, add elements that will lighten as well occupy the reader.

5) Use simple language: One thing that everybody must keep in mind while framing an effective conclusion – use a simple language. In order to make your assignment look high-ended, simple language is suggested and not the high quotient language.Using a flowery language without any knowledge of it will simply create a poor image of your grammar skill. Before using any jargons do a proper research and understand in which context it can be used.

6) The sense of balance:Conclude your sentence so that it is compound or parallel in structure. Such sentences can initiate a sense of balance or order that may feel just correct at the end of a complex discussion.

7) Give Warning:You need to archive it in your mind that inducing bright image can increase the interest of the reader. If your script is based on instructing or spreading awareness give proper warning to the readers.

8) Meaningful ending:End your scripture on a positive note. Do not depress your reader on some tragic incident that you plan to add at the end. The word “ conclusion” very well states- producing suitable settlement or closure to your arguments and not ending it on an incomplete note or on a negative thought. Readers like to see essays ended in a meaningful way.

9) Universalise: Compare or differentiate your ideas or your main argument on the basis of something that the reader can relate to. Try to make a connection.

10) Suggest results:Your conclusion is based on what your topic is and what kind of main ideas and points you are going to put forth. Indicate the effect your idea can bring if supported.

11) Conclusion based on topic:Every assignment that you write needs to be ended properly but it often depends on the subject matter of your essay. So if it’s a literary paper – end it with reference to a book that was noteworthy and paint a picture with sensory details.

Points that you must avoid:

To write an effective conclusion you must avoid the following steps:

*Don’t simply summarise your essay. Summarise and put your main point forward if your essay is long. Short essays do not require a restatement of your main ideas.

*Avoid phrases like “ to conclude “ or “ to sum up “.
Such phrases are used in oral representations. Readers can see when the assignment is about to end by the number of pages. You’ll irritate your readers if you hit the obvious.

*Avoid apologizing for your opinions or views by saying “ I may not be an expert” or “ at least this is my opinion”. The readers, in the end, will feel as though they have wasted their time on something which does not give them accurate information simply because the writer isn’t confident of what he/she has expressed.

*Don’t focus on minor points of less importance, concentrate on the bigger points which have an impact on your assignment.
*Avoid using harsh words and informal vocabulary.

*Avoid repeating phrases or words.

*Avoid incomplete sentences. Your closing statement should help the reader feel a sense of closure.

*Do not include new arguments, ideas or information that is not related to the topic in the conclusion.

* Many writers fail to meet the objectives of the essay that they are writing. Try stating those points that meet the objective of your essay. Don’t let your essay dangle in ambiguity

A Perfect Conclusion for Assignment That You Should Know

Conclusions are the end of any writing. A good concluding paragraph can change a readers’ mind when they reach the end of the writing. Take it as a cinema, after watching the whole film, if we find that the climax is not up to the mark, and then it disappoints us. Same thing happens with our writing. The main motive of adding a good conclusion is to engage your reader in your writing. Below we have mentioned the perfect conclusion for assignments; I hope it will help you.

  • You should start the conclusion with the topic of your writing. you need to give a reminder to your readers by restating the thesis from the very beginning of your writing.
  • Whatever you have added in the introductory paragraph you need to emphasize it in the conclusion. It must clarify all the points that you have already discussed in the introduction.
  • A perfect conclusion must contain the main ideas of your writing. There are various types of writing like essays, research, and thesis that can be lengthy, so you need to add all the essential points as a brief summary in the conclusion.
  • The tone of your writing should be appealing so that readers can easily relate them with it. You need to write the conclusion in such a way that it must have a long effect on the readers’ mind.
  • Don’t leave the conclusion without writing the closing sentence. Your concluding sentence should include all the key points that you want to include. It must give a strong impression upon the readers’ mind.

Conclusion Images in the Assignments

Besides writing the whole assignment with superior quality content, you need to add a good conclusion too, so that it may draw readers’ attention to your writing. Before writing it, you may feel it is a difficult job, but as you start planning ahead, you’ll find it’s undoubtedly an easier job than you think. The conclusion image of your assignment should include a brief summary of the topic, outline or overview of the topic, argument that you want to establish throughout the writing, final statement etc. As you have finished writing, you need to revise your conclusion so that it becomes effective.


How Final Effective Conclusion Should be

After completing the whole assignment if you don’t add a conclusion then your assignment becomes incomplete. So, adding an effective conclusion is necessary to make your writing perfect. But before writing it, you should know how the final effective conclusion should be. Below we have discussed it in details:

  • You must restate the thesis in your conclusion. You need to bring your reader in the main point of your writing through your conclusion so that they can clearly relate it with the topic.
  • You need to include all the supportive points that you want to establish in your assignments. You can add your own opinion and views in it. But don’t repeat the same lines; instead summarize the main idea in the conclusion.
  • A perfect conclusion paragraph must have a connection between the opening statement and the ending statement.
  • Don’t create doubts or questions in the reader’s mind throughout the conclusion. You need to give proper solutions or answers of questions so that the thirst of readers can easily be satiated.
  • While writing, don’t include a new idea in the conclusion.
  • You need to maintain a proper balance in the writing. the tone that you are using in your assignment, must follow it in your conclusion too.
  • Your conclusion must be unique. Don’t use the contemporary words like ‘in closing, ‘in conclusion’ etc. at the beginning of the conclusion. Try something different to draw the reader’s mind.
  • The approach of your conclusion must be positive.
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