How Do You Rewrite My Essay without Plagiarizing Any Content?


Are you a writer? Are you in search of an essay rewriting procedure without copying any content from different sources? Then you are on the right platform. Here present our Assignment Help in Sydney experts will guide you regarding the process of rewriting an essay with 0% plagiarism. So, read the blog and get the necessary tips, and then use it in your writing. 

As academic students, you all can expect to get essay writing as an assignment in almost all your courses. When you get a plethora of assignments at a time i.e. research paper, dissertation, essay writing, various types of homework, etc, you may feel perplexed thinking that when to finish all the work. In such a situation to avoid any kind of unforeseen circumstances, you may simply copy-paste someone else’s material and submit it as your own writing. In this regard, let me inform you that copying someone else’s work without giving them due credit is called plagiarizing content. Most of the time due to a lack of proper training and guidance, knowledge, or experience we all copy someone else’s work and submit it. Submitting plagiarized content is unethical as well as it proves that you are dishonest. 

In this regard, you may think that how to write an essay without plagiarizing someone else’s content. Here our academic assignment help experts have given you detailed information on providing 0% plagiarizing content and how to earn good grades through it. 

How Can You Write Plagiarism Free Essay?

When you write an essay with plagiarized content as a part of college or university assignments, then you are more prone to create trouble in order to gain more marks in academics. In the present day, plagiarism has proved to be a serious offense in any form of writing. It does not cause you trouble in various ways i.e. it may lead you to fail in that particular course, it will deduct your academic grades, or it may cause you a suspension from the course of study. 

Plagiarizing content indicates you are stealing someone else’s hard work without giving him or her due credit. Whenever you are writing an essay, you should be aware that your content must be 100% original and if needed if you use the information from different sources, then you must cite the source correctly. 

Below is the procedure for rewriting an essay without plagiarism is given, just follow it correctly and make a plagiarism free content.

Take Adequate Time for Yourself

To make unique writing, you need to have adequate time in your hand to carry out in-depth research and avoid using plagiarizing someone else’s content due to lack of time before the deadline. Before starting the writing, you need to make a list of what you want to add to your writing and what not. As a result, start accumulating necessary information regarding the subject matter of the essay. As a result, it will help you to be less prone to copy someone else’s work into your writing. 

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The word ‘paraphrasing’ indicates interpreting an idea in your own way and describing it in your own words. But in this regard, you should keep in mind that you will not repeat the original idea rigorously. In this case too, after paraphrasing the idea, you have to give credit to the original writer of the work or idea. To avoid plagiarism here is to make sure that you have not written two words in a line that are repeated rigorously. 

Proofreading Your Material

Before delivering your project you need to proofread your content completely in order to avoid any kind of grammatical errors or typing mistakes. When proofreading your content, you will get an option to give due credit to the writer if you add their content in your writing and you have missed mentioning his or her name earlier.

Keep a Record of All the Sources of Information

As you start working on an essay, keep a copy and pen handy in order to note down all the sources that you have used in your writing including the name of the author, title of the book, page number, or the relevant page numbers. Sometimes we come across multiple books and authors while we are in search of particular information. In such cases, you are very much prone to become baffled in what piece of information is taken from what source. Storing all the information in one place will give you an opportunity to cite all the sources at the time of need and it will surely reduce your stress before the deadline. 

Take Help from Plagiarism Checker

As your writing is completed, don’t forget to check the writing with a plagiarism checker. There is various software available online, you can use any one of it and check your writing to make sure that your writing is authentic and 100% plagiarism free. 

Cite the Source Correctly

To write a plagiarism free essay, you need to cite all the sources correctly. Sometimes we find the same material is used in various sources, in this regard, pointing out the key source of the information is necessary. The correct way to cite a source is to enlist all the information correctly in your writing i.e. name of the author, name of the book or magazine, year of publication, etc. While doing so, you should keep in mind that you are following the correct citation style that is preferred by your professors i.e. APA, MLA, Chicago, etc. If you are not sure about the citation style, then ask your teacher before start working on it. In this regard, you must know that facts and common information are not considered to be copyright items. At the end of your essay, you must add a bibliography or reference list where you need to add the sources correctly and in an organized way. 

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Add Your Inputs in the Writing

While writing an essay, don’t just paraphrase the content borrowed from various sources, you need to add your own insights and thoughts too in it. if you rely completely on unknown sources, then it would be a wrong decision. If you add your points of view to it, it would prove that you have studied the topic in-depth and it will surely give additional benefits of scoring high. You need to understand the topic completely. To understand it better, you can read the opinions of various writers and at last, come to a conclusion. 

Quote Properly

While you are including any quotation in your writing, then be sure that you are adding it precisely as it is written by the original author in his or her writing. While adding this you should be conscious that you will not have a plethora of quotes in your writing and always try to use shorter quotes. These quotes must be kept within quotation marks and don’t forget to give credit to the original author for hiring his or her writing in your content. 


After reading the blog you will get the detailed information regarding how to rewrite an essay without plagiarizing. If you still have doubts and need some guidance regarding any kind of writing, you can consult with our do my assignment online Melbourne experts who are available for you 24*7. For more updates, you can check out our official website and see all the necessary procedures of availing our services. Check our Australian assignment help reviews and place your order now.

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