How Many Types of Assignment Operators are in JavaScript and What are They?


JavaScript is a programming language. It is very popular among the Programming developers of this time. It is not so easy to learn for beginners. In JavaScript sixteen different assignment operators are present. These assignment operators are used to assign value to the variable. It is shorthand for other operators that are recommended to use. The assignment operators are used to determine the value based on the right operand which may be a variable, number, object, or combination of any other. Do you know what the most common assignment operator is? The answer is “=”. This operator assigns the right hand value to the left hand variable. The common syntax is as follows – Variable = Value (in this case a value can be constant, variable, or an expression). You can assign a primitive type of the variable by using an integer literal value or the result of an expression.

Types of Assignment Operators in JavaScript

Anyone can divide an assignment operator into many categories. Let’s start discussing JavaScript operators by showing off the various assignment operators that are supported by JavaScript within its code.

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Example Usage of Assignment Operators in JavaScript

We will explore the process of how to use every assignment operator in JavaScript in this section. For showing how to use them in your code I will explain what they do. For a new person or beginner in JavaScript, try to remember how each of these works.

  • Assignment Operator in JavaScript (=): The assignment operator is one of the easiest things to understand in JavaScript. All of these operators assign the right side value to the variable present on the left side of the operator. As an example, you can start by defining a variable named “*” and assigning the value that is 15. Then use the assignment operator for changing the value of this variable to 10. The final value of “*” is logged to the console. The last value that was assigned “*” was 10. This result will get from the above code.
  • Addition Assignment Operator (+ =): The JavaScript programming language includes various operators and it allows for modifying a value on an assignment. This operator allows increasing the left side operand by the addition of the right side operand. You can start it by declaring a variable with the name “*”. It assigns the value of 10. After that use JavaScript’s addition operator (+ =) for increasing the value of the “*” variable by 11.
  • Subtraction Assignment Operator in JavaScript (- =): The subtraction assignment operator gives chance to decrease the left variable by the right value. The interesting advantage of this operator is that it allows you to write clean code. For showcasing this operator in JavaScript you can start this example by declaring a variable “*” which has a value of 21. Then use this operator to subtract 16 from the value of the “*” variable.
  • The Multiplication Assignment Operator (* =): This operator of JavaScript allows multiple values of a variable and assigns the result. For using this operator you can specify a variable followed by a multiplication operator. It is followed by the amount you want to multiply the number. Running an example code you can end up with the result. By this, you will know how this operator multiplied by variable 2 and assigned the new value.
  • Exponentiation Assignment Operator in JavaScript (**=): The exponentiation assignment operator allows raising the value of the variable given by you at the right side operand. The resulting value is assigned back to the variable. Use this operand to raise this operand by variable value 3.
  • The Division Assignment Operator (/ =): For dividing a variable by another value and assigning the result back to the variable you can use the division assignment operator. This JavaScript operator is written using a slash symbol and followed by an equal symbol. Then write a quick example in JavaScript to show the process of this work.
  • Modulus Assignment Operator in JavaScript (%=): The final operator at this is the modulus assignment operator. It allows getting the remainder from a division operation. The variable on the left is divided by the right hand operand. The remainder from this division is assigned back to the left side variable.
  • Left Shift Assignment Operator (<< =): This kind of operator pushes a particular number of bits to the left. The resulting value of this operator is assigned to the variable.
  • Right Shift Assignment Operator (>> =): The right shift assignment operator pushes an exact number of bits to the right and the resulting value is assigned to the variable.
  • Unsigned Right Shift Assignment (>>> =): This right shift operator pushes a particular number of bits to the right and the resulting value assign to the variable. The positive numbers shifted to the right with the same effect as the right shift operator. However empty bits are replaced by zero for negative numbers.
  • Bitwise AND Assignment (& =): Bitwise AND operator use the binary codes of the left and right operand. It performs AND functions to assign the result to the variable.
  • Bitwise XOR Assignment (^ =): Bitwise XOR assignment is used for the binary codes of left and right operands. It is used for performing XOR and assigns the result to the variable.
  • Bitwise OR Assignment (| =): Bitwise OR assignment is used for the binary codes for both left and right operands for performing OR. It assigns the result to the variable.

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An operator can manipulate a certain value or operand. Operators are generally used to perform specific mathematical and logical computations on operands. Not only assignment operators are present in JavaScript programming language. Various kinds of operators are present there, those are –

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Logical operators
  • Conditional operators
  • Ternary operator

All of these types of operators have an important role in JavaScript programming. The learners have to be experts about it. It is a very necessary portion of JavaScript programming.

  • Arithmetic Operators: The arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical operations between some numeric operands. For example, we can say the + operator performs a concatenation operation. It happens when one of the operands is string type.
  • Comparison Operators: Comparison operators compare two operands in JavaScript and return a Boolean value.
  • Logical Operators: In JavaScript programming, the logical operators are used to combine two or more conditions. This programming language gives logical operators.
  • Ternary Operator: JavaScript gives a special operator that is called the ternary operator. This operator assigns a value to a variable based on some condition.

The very first topics you have to know at the time of JavaScript learning are the operators. I have told you before, JavaScript operators are used to check if a specified property exists in an object. You also have to notice if it inherited properties. The JavaScript prototype chain is a thing that shows how objects or object instances access properties and methods that were not theirs. These objects inherit the methods and properties defined in constructors or prototypes.

We all know that every programming language has some particular operators and the operators have a very important role in the programming language. JavaScript is just one of them. It also has operators and I have described those in the previous section. These operators behave like a function. Some languages allow for the operands of an operator. In the presence of a language, a programmer must be aware of the specific rules regarding operand types. The operation results type to ignore the subtle operation programming mistakes. The programming languages usually define a set of built in operators. In some special cases, the operators allow users for adding a new meaning to the existing operators. Sometimes it defines completely new operators.

It is a complete note and written blog about assignment operators in JavaScript, though in this blog you can get more than sufficient information. I have tried to give an outline idea about all operators of JavaScript. If my blog is liked by you then I am requesting you to take a look at our help with assignments service. We provide much academic writing to needy students through GotoAssignmentHelp a well known company. You can make your future secure by submitting flawless content to your teacher. The experts who work here are very serious with their work and they never miss a deadline. They always maintain the originality of writing. We provide assignment help in USA, dissertation help, and essay help service for the students. Just login our website and place an order now.

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