How to Cite a Book APA? Full Uses with Examples


Here present-day many students must have heard about the citation of a book in APA style and many of you may not hear. Have you ever thought about why this is so important?
If not then let me tell you and in addition to this I will guide you on how to cite a book in APA style.
So, without wasting time let’s get started.

What is this APA style?

AP style is commonly used for citing sources within the field of social and behavioral sciences. The full form of APA is the American Psychological Association.

You may feel intimidated by seeing the name APA style, but once you have learnt the process of formatting, they will not be bad for you. APA 7 book citation includes the name of the author, the title of the book, year of publication and the publisher etc. while adding these things in your books, you have to remember to use the author’s last name and then only the initials for the first and middle names. For example: Rowling. J.K. ,

The APA book citation format follows the author-date style. This indicates the year of publication followed by the author’s name.

Here are some guidelines for you:

Example of APA Book Citation

We find a lot of authors for scholarly books, but it is always best to start simply with a book that has only one author in APA.
The formation would be like this:
Authors’ last name, Initial name, Middle name if any, Year of Publication, The name of the book, Publisher
While writing the name of the book, the book title should be written in Italics and the first letter must be capitalized.
Example: Jones, P. K. (1985), Human evolution. Royalty Publisher.

Here are some examples for you of One Author Book Citation

Hangman. A. (1523). Handbook on animal assisted therapy. Bookworm Publisher.
Anderson, T. (1950). Imagined reflections. Jones Publication.

Examples of Multiple Author Book Citation

This technique is used when you have more than one author. Sometimes it is found that the list remains less than 20 or more than 20.
2-19 Authors: Johns B, A., Samuel A., K., T., (2000). Molecular atoms. Sunrise Publication.
Note: Enlist all authors up to 19. Use a comma between 2 names and add ampersand (&) before the final name of the list.
20+ Authors: Author A., Author B., Author C., Author D., … Author Z., (year of publication).
Title of Book. Name of the publisher.
Note: enlist the first 19 names of the author, then insert three ellipsis points (…), and then write the name of the rest of the author.

How to use APA Book Citation for an edited book

Sometimes you will find edited books have authors and sometimes it may not. In case of having authors, the name of the editor is included after the title. On the other hand, the edited books have no author, in that case the editor takes the place of the author.

Online Book Citation Technique through APA

With the 7 th edition of APA, the online book citing technique has become much easier than its earlier version. In the case of an online book, you have to tell your reader just the online location rather than informing the physical location.

Format of EBook and online book citations in APA

Name of the author, X. Y. (Year of Publication). Title of the work. Name of publisher. URL.
Here are some examples of online book citation in APA for you
Fernandez, W. (1925). The victory. Royal Garden.

How to publish a book using a new foreword?

You may not have seen republished books by adding a new foreword but it is possible. In that case you need to format the reference to account for the new part.
Here is the format for you.
Author, W. X. (with Author, D.) (Year of Publication). Title of the Book (Edition). Name of the publisher. (Original work published with date)
New foreword APA citation for an edited book:
Jackson, C. (with Dorsey, N.) (2019). An invention of heaven (45 th anniversary ed.)  L. K. Moore. (Original work published in the year of 1963)

Textbook Citation through APA

Many times, it is found that quotes and sources can come out in your textbook; as a result you should know the format of textbook citations.


Author, B. D. (Date of publication). Title of the chapter. Title of the book. (present edition, pages). Name of the publisher.
Conclusion: after reading the whole blog if you still have doubts regarding the APA style of book citation, then you can take help from our assignment help experts who have been helping students for the last few years. Their student friendly behaviour makes them popular among the pupils. By paying very minimal wages you can avail the opportunity.
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