Know the Most Crucial Points of Inferential vs Descriptive Statistics


Have you ever tried to know about the different types of statistics? I hope no. Because till the time we are not in a situation of need, we don’t spend much time to know more about the subject. If you are here, to know the crucial points regarding the various types of statistics and their differences, then this blog will not disappear you. Here, our online assignment help experts will help you to know more regarding the topic in detail.

What are Statistics?

Statistics are the heart of analyzing any data. It helps the economists to know the recent trends and patterns and based on which future plans are decided. Statistics is a particular area where applied maths is used that helps to deal with data collection, organization, interpretation and presenting various types of data using pie chart, graphs.

Types of Statistics

Statistics can be broadly divided into two categories i.e. inferential statistics and descriptive statistics. In this blog, we will discuss these two types and will know how these types are used to analyze any data set.

Descriptive Statistics

It is such a type of statistics that summarizes the main characteristics of a particular data set. It is mainly used to describe the characteristics or features of a particular dataset. You can use descriptive statistics for both individual observations and the overall process of obtaining data. It can be described using a pie chart.

Inferential Statistics

On the other hand, inferential statistics gives you the opportunity to test a hypothesis or assessment of whether your data is generalized for the broader population. If you want to get the accurate data, you need to identify the population that you are thinking of measuring and create a sample for that population and analyze it.

But the most interesting thing is the measurement of both the statistics is almost similar, the differences are noticed in its goal and methods.

You can use descriptive statistics to graph and summarize the data for a particular group that you’ve chosen. This technique will give you the understanding of a particular set of observations. It describes a particular sample that is straightforward. In this case take a group that you are interested in and record the particular data regarding it and of course its group members too. Then you may take the help of a graph chart to represent the group properties. In descriptive statistics, there is no uncertainty just because in this case you are describing a group of people or a list of items that you want to measure. Here you are not trying to measure the properties of a large number of people.

Using this technique you will be able to gather more information regarding the data than just simply presenting it through rows and columns.

Tools Used in Descriptive Statistics

  • Dispersion: in dispersion you can use range or standard deviation to measure it. A low dispersion will inform you of the particular values that are clustered tightly around the center. On the other hand a higher dispersion informs you data points fall far away from the centre. It helps us to understand the frequency distribution through the graph.
  • Central Tendency: it uses mean and median that will help you to center your dataset. This data set will help you to know where the most values falls.
  • Skewness: it tells us whether the distribution of the value is symmetric or not.

On the other hand, inferential statistics collects the data from a sample and makes conclusions about a large number of populations based on the data that was taken. Its main goal is to come to a conclusion from a sample and use it to count the population. While doing so, we should keep in mind that the sample properly reflects the population. While doing so, we need to follow: define the particular population that you are studying, try to draw a sample from the group of population, analyze it properly.

To collect a representative sample you can follow the techniques mentioned below:

  • Stratified sampling,
  • Simple random sampling,
  • Cluster sampling etc.

Difference between Inferential and Descriptive Statistics

  1. In descriptive statistics, you can choose a group that you want to describe and next you need to measure all the subjects in that particular group. It will describe the full details of the group with certainty. On the other hand, in inferential statistics, defining the population is needed that will successfully represent a sample.
  2. If you are trying to perform data using descriptive statistics, it will be much easier and simpler. On the other hand inferential statistics is a complex method to take.
  3. Descriptive statistics is used to describe a particular situation whereas interferential is used to explain the possibility of occurrence of an incident.
  4. Descriptive statistics can be represented with the help of charts, graphs, and tables. On the other hand, inferentiality can be represented by probability.

Conclusion: I hope this blog will help you to know about the most crucial points of inferential and descriptive statistics and their differences. If still you have any question regarding the topic, you can take help from our statistics assignment help experts. To know more about our services log on to our official website and check the necessary details of hiring them. 

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