Last Minute Tips Prior To Assignment Submission


Have an assignment to complete? Worry not! Here are some tips that will help you complete your assignment in the eleventh hour.

Not many of us are good with deadlines due to which we lose points. Writing an assignment is not an easy job because it requires skill, time, and extensive research. Framing and deciding what to put first and eliminating the irrelevant ones is another part of your  assignment which demands a lot of attention.

With so much to do in such a short time, it’s stressful for one person to present a perfect assignment. Here are some tips that will help you submit a decent assignment within the set deadline.


Proofreading is highly important because minor errors and grammatical mistakes can cost you your score. Proofreading must be an important practice before submitting your assignment to your teacher. Academicians, scholars have said that proofreading done once is more than enough to bar any error in the final file. There is no need to waste time in doing it twice.

Clarity of Sentence

While doing your assignment be clear and simplistic in what you are trying to say. What you deliver and what the reader understands needs to be on the same page and not differ. Going through the assignment in few hours can be very tough so always aim to complete your assignment on or before the deadlines so that you get enough time to check your assignment thoroughly. Check your sentences thoroughly, there should be clarity in what you want the reader to understand and that can only happen if you have interpreted your point correctly. Doesn’t worry about information that you have written be concerned about whether your sentences have been written correctly and whether they fit in the right context. Avoid ambiguity, be clear with what you mean and don’t leave the reader in question or doubt.

Focusing On Quantitative Data

While there is less chance of error in qualitative data, revise the numbers and tables you have included in the assignment. There is a high probability of writing wrong number or equation- the signs of negative and positive. Henceforth, it is suggested that you go through them and make the corrections before submitting.

Page Number Counts

In an attempt to deliver an outstanding assignment students end up adding index page but forget to add numbers to pages. This is a common error that students make so check properly. Improperly numbered pages create confusion and annoy the teachers. They won’t tolerate any such confusion because they have many more assignments to correct.

Proper Binding Is Safe

A day or before submitting your assignment check whether you have your pages compiled properly in order. If you haven’t spiral bind them yet you will stand to lose marks. The reason behind binding your pages is that the pages won’t get misplaced. The teacher before opening your project first sees how well you have presented your project whether it is neat or shabby. If it’s shabby then you’ll lose most of your marks in the start itself.

Going Through Institution Requirements

Your institutions have certain checklists or forms that you should include. It’s imperative for you to remember all the guidelines and instructions given by your institutions to follow in your assignment. If you don’t follow them your assignment will be considered invalid.

Add Up If Needed

If you have added extra information in your assignment related to your topic make a note of it and include it in the appendix or note to the reader.

Eliminate Unwanted Details

In order to make your assignment very informative students end up adding too many things to the plate. Avoid this practice. Keep it short and precise. Everything that you have written should be to the point.

Keep It Simple

Don’t decorate your project too much. Instead, keep it simple and neat. Teachers appreciate creativity but at the same time, they definitely do not like projects that look over colorful. Underline important sentences or highlight them with the marker, underline the headings, make it a bit creative. if you want to highlight a fun fact about the topic add a small box “fun fact” and add your facts in that box. Teachers are really impressed by these small creative methods.

Add References

If you have obtained information from the internet or from some book -add it on your reference page. It’s a way of providing proof. Some students don’t provide references and the teachers need proof of obtaining the information it’s for the teacher to check whether the information is legit.

Things To Avoid :

  • Avoid shabbiness
    Don’t use harsh language
    Don’t use informal language, remember it’s an assignment and not a greeting card- use formal language
  •  Don’t just copy paste whatever you find on the internet or in the book. Use relevant information.
    Avoid plagiarism
    If adding a definition that is given by some high profile scholar don’t alter anything just write them as it and underline them. Pay them respect for what they have discovered and drawn definition out of it.
  • Avoid overwriting.
    Avoid spelling mistakes.
    Don’t confuse the reader by adding information that isn’t drawing out a proper conclusion to your assignment
  • Do not submit your assignment after the deadline. Follow punctuality.
  • Avoid any type of misinterpretation
  • Don’t use a word if you don’t know the meaning of it
    Do not place the pages in the wrong order.
  • Don’t make your assignment boring. Keep it light.
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