Learn the Difference Between Thesis and Research Paper Writing


Are you a student? Have you got both thesis and research paper writing in academics? Curious to know the difference between them? Then you are at the right platform; in this blog our assignment help experts will guide you regarding the difference between these two with complete guidance. I hope it will give you adequate information to know more about it.

What is Thesis Writing?

Before going to any distinction, we need to know the definition of these two. Let’s check what the thesis is. In simple terms, a thesis is a long piece of writing based on a particular subject that is given to students to earn a degree at the college or university level. Students appearing in college or university level, are given thesis writing that is considered to be a part of their honors, masters or PhD degree. Thesis is generally very long in length and it may contain more than hundred pages. According to experts, a thesis is actually scholarly in nature and gives students a plethora of information in their respective field or subject.

If you notice properly, you will find thesis work actually involves research on that topic. But it has its own writing format, design and composition. But in your thesis writing, when you are adding your own point of view and at the end come to a conclusion, you have to give proof with it. Sometimes it is found that students are told to perform in oral defense of their thesis paper and in front of the invigilators.

While writing a thesis, you should keep in mind that a proper thesis is made up of various components like title page, theme, table of contents, introduction, methods of representation, thorough discussion, results, conclusion, recommendation, references, appendices, acknowledgement etc. You need to put all these columns in your writing.

What is Research Paper?

Now you may ask what research paper is. Research is a systematic investigation and thorough study of a particular material and source to establish the facts and come to a conclusion. It involves various stages like thorough research, accumulating sources, critical thinking, organizing and composing the material etc. By writing a research paper students can gain a lot of knowledge regarding the topic, they can explore, evaluate, and interpret the material too. While collecting the information, primary and secondary sources play a significant part. But adding primary and secondary sources in your writing is not enough to compose a fully fledged research paper, you need to add your thoughts, opinion, your point of view on that particular topic etc. you have to evaluate all the material that you gather and interpret it in your style and way then you can represent it in your writing. You may take help of the valuable points that others have already said  and then suggest your own point of view on it. If any suggestion is needed, you may add it too.

So, it is clear that both are parts of academic writing and students are given them as a part of their course. Providing the best qualities of research paper and thesis writing, students can gain more marks in academics. Seeing the definition you may feel that both are almost similar, but actually not. These two have slight differences like

1.   Thesis writing is a long academic paper which is used as a final project on college and universal degree, where research paper writing is a part of academic writing based on a particular topic.

2.   At the academic level, students write research papers as a part of assignment or homework but the thesis is usually taken as a final project.

3.   Generally the thesis remains longer in length compared to research paper writing. If you notice, you will find proper thesis paper writing may take a couple of months and sometimes it takes a year to complete.

4.   You may write a research paper by yourself but composite fully fledged thesis writing is not possible for everyone, you may need some help from skilled experts who may guide you in completing it.

5.   There is a vast difference in the purpose of writing these two. Thesis is a part of academics; as a result any how you need to finish it before the deadline, on the other hand, students may try to write research papers to increase their knowledge on a particular topic or subject.

6.   Research paper writing takes less time to finish, while thesis writing takes longer time to complete.

7.   There is no variation in thesis writing, but there are various types of research papers given to students like argumentative research paper, analytical research paper etc.

Conclusion: I hope by reading this blog, you’ll get a clear idea of the difference between thesis and research paper writing. If still you have any doubt or facing trouble while writing those topics, you can easily ask our assignment helper experts without any hesitation. To know more about our services, you can log on to our official website GotoAssignmentHelp and check the procedure of hiring our experts. Our skilled experts provide various kinds of services in return for very less amount. So, hurry up to hire them.

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