Things that You Must Consider when Preparing for Your Viva Exams


Is the date of your viva exam approaching? Worried about your viva exam? Then you are at the right platform; here present our help with assignment experts would help you to find out the specific things that you must keep in mind when preparing for your exam. 

  • What do you mean by Viva Exam?

A viva voce examination popularly known as viva exam is basically an oral examination that is organized at the end of a course. It is basically made up of a committee of both external and internal examiners who will judge you and decide whether you pass of failing your course. Through viva exams, the examiners ensure that candidates have acquired their subject, have original ideas in it, and can communicate that information effectively in English when needed. 

In this regard, candidates must be able to answer all the questions on their research proposals and explain their methodology in a detailed way too. 

It is basically a type of interview where you are asked a large number of questions in different ways. Most of the time viva is conducted in a closed room where one candidate is allowed at a time. At present viva has become a standard part of Ph.D. courses. It is mainly held when students are near the end of their research and present their doctoral thesis. 

In this regard, an ideal viva exam generally lasts for one to three hours, but the examiner can extend the time if they want to clarify a particular part from the candidate. The main motive of the viva exam is to check how much information you have accumulated and how well you can convey your information in front of your examiner. 

  • How to Prepare Yourself for a Viva Interview?

Hearing the word ‘viva’ students feel perplexed and worried thinking that how to cope with the situation. According to our research help experts, there are certain things that you can consider in order to make sure that you are well-prepared and ready for the viva. 

  • Find out the Weakness in Your Ph.D.

The first and foremost thing that you must do is to identify the particular section of your weakness. For instance, if you have not written a literary review ever, then immediately start writing it and practice hard in order to make a good one. More practice means more improvement and it will help you to build your confidence and increases your chance of success too. 

While thinking to improve your weakness, make sure that you have enough time for this. If you think you need any kind of help from others, then do it immediately without wasting any time. In this regard, most supervisors feel happy when students seek any kind of help because working on any kind of solution helps them too. Here, you need to skip those portions in which you have enough knowledge. 

  • Parts of Interview 

Most students don’t have enough knowledge regarding the procedure of a viva exam. According to our thesis help experts, a typical viva exam is mainly made up of three parts, i.e. an introduction from the chairperson, a presentation by the candidate, and lastly, a question round from the panel. 

As you enter the room, the chairperson will briefly describe the viva process at their institution and then they will introduce you to the members presented in the panel. Next, the candidates need to present their work using slides or by explaining their thesis proposals. Lastly, the panel members will ask various types of questions based on the research methodology, statistical analysis, or relevant questions related to your research. 

  • How to Deck up Yourself 

While you are going to attend a viva exam as a part of your Ph.D. course, then you must remember that you will not wear an expensive or brand-new dress. We are telling you now to wear such dresses that do not just because it will make you more comfortable and relaxed. But there are various reasons behind this. 

Below, we have listed some necessary tips that you must follow:

Don’t choose apparel that is too tight or loose. Don’t want to draw the attention of your interviewer to your dress. If you have to sit in front of them for a long time, it may be uncomfortable for both of you.

Try not to wear jeans. If you find nicely fitted jeans then you can wear them with a nice top. Generally, jeans don’t fall under formal dresses, if you don’t wear them with the right top, then you may look unprofessional. On the other hand, if your institution instructs you not to wear any particular cloth, then you must avoid such clothes. 

  • Necessary Things that You Must Remember 

If you are preparing for your viva exam, then you must be in a firm position in order to give your best performance. But before that, must have some basic tips, such as

  • Know about the Background of Your Examiner

As the date of your viva exam is scheduled, you need to acquire information regarding your examiners. You will get information about them from the website of your university or on their social media pages. By knowing it, you can prepare yourself with the relevant questions that they may ask. 

  • Make Your Speech According to Time

While preparing for your viva exam, you need to calculate the exact time that you will get to the interview room. According to your time, you need to divide it into three equal parts, introduction, explanation, and conclusion. Within that, you need to set your time for PowerPoint presentations, video clips, etc, while making your project, try to use bullets and numbering in order to highlight all the important points, and make sure that you have not skipped any part. 

  • Practice and Practice

The phrase practice makes a man perfect is apt here. Before the viva exam, you need to practice in order to cope with any situation. You can practice in front of your friends or family and after that ask them for feedback. Their constructive feedback would help you to rectify all your pitfalls, and if any part needs improvement, then improve it immediately. 

Prepare all the important questions that the examiners may ask. Read carefully each examiner’s report and prepare all the questions without skipping anyone. Prepare your answers in such a way that must show you have a clear idea of them. 

You need to answer all the questions with full details and if possible you can use slides too. If possible you can ask your seniors to give feedback on your preparation. Make your mind prepared for the viva exam and work accordingly. 

Try to reach the examination hall before the reporting time and find out your seat in the exam room. Before entering the examination hall, make sure that you have everything that is required, such as pens, pencils, papers, erasers, project files, etc. 

  • Prepare Yourself 

The first and foremost thing you need to do is to prepare yourself in the right frame of mind. You have successfully completed your research or dissertation and now you are attending the viva exam for the final oral assessment. You must have a vast knowledge of your subject and your confidence level must be high while talking about yourself or explaining your project. You must not look novice while doing so. 

Count the days that you have in your hand, and improve yourself on a daily basis. Read some relevant articles regarding your subject and they will give you the necessary information about it. 

  • Necessary Tips and Tricks that You Must Follow to Succeed:
  • You must have adequate knowledge in your subject and before appearing for your viva exam recharge your knowledge fully. You must read all the books, journals, and articles regarding it. 
  • You can practice with mock interviewers and it is undoubtedly very helpful in order to improve your skill. By doing so, you can find out your mistakes and can improve them over time. 
  • Whenever you are asked any question if you don’t know the answer don’t try to guess it because guessing wrong answers will give you a negative remark in the examination. Guessing the wrong mark indicates losing marks, so be aware of that. 
  • Be sure that you are confident enough while answering all the questions. Lack of confidence may give you a negative impact on your examiners. Your lack of confidence will be easily reflected through your tone of answering and body language. So, whatever you are saying, say it with confidence. 
  • You must have adequate knowledge of all the work. Go through all the work and accumulate the information that is needed. If you are not sure about any answer, then take help from an expert as soon as possible. 
  • Whatever presentation you have made, revise it as much as you can in order to make it flawless. Make sure that it does not have any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. 
  • Check out that all the tables/ figures etc that you have included in your slides are cited correctly and all the calculations are correct. All the figures that you have used, must explain your thoughts properly. 

Conclusion: I hope after reading the blog you have got an outline of the things that you need to consider while preparing for your exam. If you need any kind of help or have any query regarding any topic, you can consult with our assignment helper who are always there to assist you. If you are eager to know about us, then must visit our official website where you will get detailed information about our assignment help services

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