Techniques You Can Borrow from Creative Writing to Improve Your Case Study Assignments


Writing is an all-consuming activity, especially in school and college years. Exams, essays, reviews – you name it; each activity requires a bit of writing and those who are good at it, automatically excel at everything.

But, in reality, turning out good essays or book reviews is not rocket science; hiring a known case study writer or professional case study writers can help. Even by mastering few techniques, you too can turn out pretty good pieces in no time at all. While inspiration can come from everywhere, how many of you have turned to creative writing to master your assignments?

You might say, “Creative writing can be employed only for creative assignments, where we have full reign of our imagination; we can’t use the same approach for essays, which are all about facts and statements.” WRONG. Creative writing, if employed tactfully, can improve your essay or assignment by leaps and bounds by enlisting assignment writing services.

Let’s show you how.

Get visual

Get visual

If you’re stumped with writing then try to visualize the topic at hand. Visuals are a powerful element, and all humans are naturally good at it.

  • For instance, if you’re asked to describe a field trip to New York, visualize the streets, shops, restaurants, people, buildings – everywhere you can go;
  • Translate it into words, and structure it into meaningful sentences.
  • When you’re done creating the draft, read and remove all unnecessary portions.
  • Always remember to give a final read before submission as your eye catches a lot of the other stuff that you may have overlooked earlier.
  • Take help from a friend, if you will, as an extra pair of eyes are always better.



Read a lot, like your life depends on it! Most of the best writers are keen readers.

  • Reading gives you a different perspective on things as well as develop your sense of observation, spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence flow, structure – all essential elements of the writing process.
  • Good writers read a lot of diverse stuff, so don’t confine yourself to entertainment magazines or blog posts.
  • The more you read, the better you can make the right word choices, make words flow in a sentence, know what makes a piece effective, and which mistakes you should avoid.

Write to please your audience

Write to please your audience

Every writing piece has an audience; someone who is going to read it or need that information. After all, writing is not created in a vacuum.

  • Whether you’re writing an authoritative essay or a detailed assignment, if you know your audience you can alter your phrases, and overall, pitch accordingly.
  • Creative writing is all about keeping your readers interested to turn page after page of what has been written.
  • The same approach should be followed for an academic assignment.
  • You don’t need to have a dramatic ending or beginning; you just need a hook with which readers can identify and then keep building on it to retain their interest.

For school or college assignments, the target audience is teachers or university lecturers. Since they are going to grade your paper, all you need to focus on is answering the question effectively and surprise them with an original, unusual approach or structure. And, as they also have to grade a lot of other papers, keep them engaged and be succinct.

Three-act structure

This is a popular technique mostly used for novels and screenplays. It involves three key elements – set-up, confrontation, and resolution.

  • Set-up establishes the characters; confrontation attempts a resolution of the central problem by the main character, and resolution is the climax of the story.
  • The same three-act structure can be applied to your assignment.
  • In the set-up you build your introduction; what you wish to talk about the given topic, basically setting the scene.
  • In the confrontation, you discuss different problems related to your topic and also build up an argument using the available facts.

Finally, in the resolution, you conclude by summarizing and resolving the argument with your own opinion.

Craft a punchy headliner

Craft a punchy headliner

Assignments and essays are all about grabbing the attention of your professor and egg them on to read your paper in detail.

  • You can borrow the ‘flashback’ technique employed mostly in movies and TV series or novels, which transports the viewer or reader to the ‘event’ or ‘crime’ scene.
  • And then gradually build up from there. This creative approach can be used to shock or awe your readers at the same time.
  • It’s easier to employ this technique in arts or history assignments and could be difficult in technical subjects like physics or mathematics.
  • But, you never know you have a whole lot of inspiration on the net these days, from which you can draw.
  • Providing a statistic at the beginning also make for a good attention-grabbing headline. For instance, if you’re asked to write a piece on World War II or 9/11, you could start with the number of death casualties. It sounds grim, but sometimes grim and gory also draws people’s attention.



Using metaphors to explain complex concepts or just describing something simple is yet another creative writing technique you can employ to better your assignment.

  • We all encounter metaphors in our daily lives – while talking to someone, listening to music, or watching a movie.
  • Popular culture is full of metaphors, and yet when we write, we don’t invariably use them.

Here are a couple of examples that we’re sure you’ve heard but rarely use when it comes to writing:

  • “The detective listened to his tales with a wooden face.”
  • “Her answer to the problem was just a Band-Aid, not a solution.”
  • “The quarterback was throwing nothing but rockets and bombs in the field.”

The point is if you use metaphors, it enhances your writing as well place your point across in a much better way.

Build-up details

Build-up details

In creative writing, there’s so much built about the characters, location, and the settings that it brings the piece to life. You can do the same thing in your assignment to make it more interesting.

  • If you focus solely on problems, chances are the piece will become dry and uninteresting, but pepper it with few details, and there you go!
  • You’ve your reader’s attention. Remember to use established or factual details, in case, your paper is scientific, though this ‘incidental detail’ technique is most suitable for history or humanities papers.

Jot down your ideas

Jot down your ideas

As in the case of creative writing, inspiration can strike anywhere. While earlier writers use to carry a notebook with them all the time to jot down the ideas, you can easily use your smartphones to store info that can be used to write your assignment.

There you have it

A whole lot of inspirational techniques to write that perfect paper! You can also hire a case study writer or professional case study writers to learn more techniques.

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