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How personal characteristics affect leadership styles?
Introduction: In the contemporary competitive business environment, a business organization largely depends on its leadership style and proficiency to direct them through unparalleled changes and challenges. However, in reality, there are plenty news and reports showing how some of the most successful and global organizations are failing to adapt the changes, execute strategic plans effectively or strategic planning for a more sustainable future for the business growth and sustenance. It can imply that most of the current turmoil that the global business environment is facing is due to lack of effective leadership within the organization and their failure to alter the existing approach towards leadership development. Lack of proper leadership in an organization, even the most effective and strategic plans for encountering changes dissolve in vine as their true potential is never realized. The concept of leadership has always been a subject of discussion for scholars as well as for marketers. The people and acquaintance that an individual communicates and exchange values everyday have a greater influence on the formation of the concept of leadership. In the following report, the author has tried to analyse the different aspects of leadership in the contemporary times and how personal characteristics affect leadership styles. Also, the author is going to discuss about three observations that he has witnessed that facilitates in shaping the way towards the concept of leadership.

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