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Strategic Leadership Plan- Essential Characteristics of A Good Leader
In the context of the given report, myself as a researcher will review my understanding of stakeholder management and leadership, my own individual capabilities as a leader and finally produce a strategic personal growth plan. The main purpose of the report is to design my own individual strategic plan of leadership in order to take myself from where I am now and where I will want to be in upcoming days. Furthermore, I will make a plan about my leadership attributes, own abilities and stakeholder management by utilizing diverse sources and methods. The researcher is solely responsible for his own life that is why he wants to prepare a development plan and secure his future.
Becoming a good leader is not an easy task, it is not fully dependent on my natural charisma. However, through a branch of simple actions, I can refine my skills in leadership and construct myself as a great leader. It is obvious that active listening is very much vital for not only myself but also for everyone in a good working environment. Directly engaging with the customers as well as followers and ensuring them that I can easily hear what they are saying is one of the effective ways to create strong bonds and make myself more accessible as an effective leader. The other exclusive characters that I should possess are to express my gratitude to my employees and followers, help all the individuals to understand their potentials, try something trending and innovative method to execute a critical task successfully and get involved at the bottom level. All those signs can easily shape a great leader.
The essential characteristics of a good leade
Based on my research, I found that good leaders possess some core traits of leadership. These leadership traits are described below:
a) Clarity- Good leaders are concise and clear at all times. There are no alternative marks on their attitude and vision. They always give other employees some opportunities to digest their objectives and decide whether or not they will give assistance to their cause (Thomas et al., 2018). Basically, fewer individuals know what they actually want, too less how to get there, thus they will gravitate towards those individuals who have a clear view in their mind. Ultimately, excellent clarity leads to better achievement.
b) Decisiveness- When they decide to take any exclusive decision, they do not even hesitate to commit it. Good leaders always show effective consistency with their remarkable decisions, but rarely changing their mind or step out from their decision unless it is necessary. Therefore, being decisive reveals high commitment and great attitude of a good leader.
c) Courage- One of the characteristics that good leaders can develop is boldness. It is something, which is blessed as a virtue. Naturally, some individuals are more fearless than others are, thus practising to become fearless is totally a doable job. It is the duty of every leader to achieve this task in order to maintain their role as an effective leader.
d) Passion- It is very inspirational to see someone who too much cares about what they actually do Rubens et al., 2018. An amazing leader exhibits limitless passion and energy for what they do. They have never become shy about their energy as well as passion as because these two things are shaping and leading a great leader. As long as a great leader is passionate about what he knows and take care of it, it will bright through and all individuals will follow.
e) Humility- It is obvious that confidence is a very crucial trait in good leaders, but there is nothing like a humble character for making a shining persona. Good leaders always admit if they do any wrong things or make any wrong decisions. They even take criticism as an advantage for development. They show the world how grateful they are. It will reveal how much they deserve the role of leadership in their organization.
f) honesty- a great leader will be able to make an honest relationship with their peers or employees. A relationship is based on reliability and trust, which makes the group, know that their leader will always help them in case of any difficulty (Uzarski and Broome, 2019). This, in turn, inspires all the employees to be with leaders and work hard to achieve the desired goals.
Analysis of stakeholder management and leadership strengths and weaknesses
It is very frustrating when people are sure that their job would deliver better results if they have been allowed to continue. As their career grows and they become successful in their life, their taken actions would start to affect the lives of other individuals. The more individuals they affect, the more their actions would affect individuals who have strength and influence over their work. Hence, it is very much essential to recognize those individuals and win over them (Alhyasat and Sharif, 2018 Times New Roman","serif"">). The initial step is stakeholder management is stakeholder analysis. It is an essential process, which successful individuals utilize in order to make sure that their projects succeed in future whereas other people may fail.
There are some benefits of stakeholder management. We can use the conclusion of our most crucial stakeholders to help define our project works at an initial stage. Those stakeholders will more likely to guide and support us, and their involvement can also improve the project quality as well as project design. It can also be opined that receiving support from major and powerful stakeholders can help us to win more and more resources like time, people, and money. It makes more likely that our project will become successful in future. Furthermore, by communicating with our stakeholders often and early, we can make sure that they totally grasp what we are doing and understand the advantages of our project. It means that they can more support us actively when it is required. Therefore, understanding the stakeholders depicts that we can predict and anticipate their reactions to our projects as it grows and develops (Jeffs et al., 2018). It basically allows us to plan necessary actions which will win their support more likely.
In Spite of the benefits of stakeholder management, there exist some limitations of stakeholder analysis in every organization. It is opined that stakeholder analysis must be performed regularly and continuously because the associations and power of stakeholders may change rapidly. Thus, it poses a major limitation to not only my organization but also to other organization. They need to perform a stakeholder analysis while performing their functions. The management of my enterprise has to evaluate the position of every stakeholder. Ideally, it is the subjective approach of management that will finally decide the method in which the enterprise would act towards their stakeholders (Doeleman et al., 2019). Normally, it is no too possible for our management to satisfy all the requirements of stakeholders completely. Therefore, managing and fulfilling the requirement of every stakeholder is very much necessary in order to successfully run the business. Furthermore, it is not possible for my organization to keep the focus on all the stakeholders' group rather than focusing on one group. It poses a major limitation to our organization, as they are not trying to reconcile or balance all interest as per their weight and urgency. Hence, it is concluded that the stakeholder analysis is a perception which is used recently by our organization to investigate and identify the force field formed by any individual or group who can impact or is impacted by the attainment of the aims of the organization (Murage, 2018).
Moreover, it is opined that arising leaders are growing very rapidly in order to fulfil their roles. The ability to adapt and learn rapidly has become very essential to our current environment and leaders who possess those potentials are equipped better for success. Leaders possess the strength of adaptability. Basically, agile surroundings and environment produces agile employees and those employees develop into great leaders. Modern leaders can easily able to adapt to new situations and learn rapidly about new things. They are able to become updated with innovative technologies and modern methodologies. Moreover, the current market is flooded with services, products, and the standard clients and customers are expanding as a result. In this, only those who have a commitment to achieve better results are able to survive in a competitive environment. Consequently, the leaders of the modern generation need to develop a higher commitment to quality than existing generations (Brown, 2018). While leaders of today's generation are able to grow the above skills in enormous amount, there is still some weakness, which every leader possesses. It can be opened that lack of experience is the first glaring issue which every leader's face. As rapidly as leaders may learn, this does not alter the wisdom one achieves from solving various critical problems over many years. The speed of decision making of our organization also suffers from the lack of focus. Rather than selecting some objectives and sticking to those objectives, the leaders may bog down in the traps of peripheral difficulties that might not be essential.
The demand for outcomes may lead to a tendency to compare ourselves to others. The leaders of every organisation often measure their success and growth against that of their friends or colleagues (Hughes-Kirchubel et al., 2018). Social comparison is not the right thing for leaders, all they need to do is to focus on their personal development.
Plan for developing leadership skill
To run a business successfully it requires a developed leadership. Different companies background, scenario, leadership plan, atmosphere are different, two different workplaces provide different kind of crisis, atmosphere. Two different leaders cannot be the same. Everyone has their own strategy of how to do their job. Victorious leaders come in all different shapes and sizes and lead the business in their own style. In this project, I am growing a plan for developing leadership skill to run the business in a more successful way. A number of types of management style I could follow to plan for developing (Dampson and Edwards, 2019). However, according to me the most effectual type of leadership is the servant leadership. Nevertheless, sometimes this effective leadership plan fails to show how a manager can become a successful leader and that is where comes need to develop a personal leadership plan. However, planning a leadership development might sound easy but it’s a bit crooked. To get the best result out of the leadership plan I am going to make a list of activities that are important to plan for development. Planning a leadership might get hard for me as I am already in a leadership position but I did my best to provide a best leadership plan for the company I work for. I had set a goal for the company that I have to achieve as most of us do in our mind. To get the result the basic step we need to follow is to get a goal and plan for access to reach our goals (Saari, 2018). Eventually, we have to follow the same in the case of leadership. The first step of becoming a great leader is to adopt good qualities from the other leaders who contributed a lot for developing. A great leader needs to have the honesty, ethical behaviour towards the employees, the leader should be able to communicate with the co-worker, and the leader should be able to know how to solve a difficult situation for the company he works for. The next step is that the leader has to work on his characteristics. He has to adopt good personalities from the great leaders and work to improve his personality so that he can easily get along with his co-workers. He has to set core values to plan for the development of leadership (Drucker, 2018). The leader should be responsible, loyal to the company, wisdomous, build knowledge for development, creative, he has to build a good friendship with the employees. The leadership of a company mostly depends on the leader how he plans the development of leadership and how hard he is working to reach towards his goals.
The leader can also prepare a personal vision statement to reflect his personality and aims, the cores he has set and so on. In this personal vision the leaders write about themselves that who are they, what achievement they are willing to make and how hard get are able to work to get the result, the development plan they had to make or any other planning experience if they had planned something like this in the past. The decisions they have made for this company or for any other company, the decisions can be either big or small but the leader needs to reflect if they are able to plan for development in this personal vision statement (Ginter et al., 2018). This statement will also work as an inspiration when the leaders will look back in time, the goals or achievement they have set by themselves will inspire them more in the future than any other thing. This will still keep inspiring the leader even though they will not be the same in future and their personality and knowledge will improve with time.
However, it is not always about what you think of yourself, the opinion of other employees matter the most, he has to listen to his employees, what they expect from the leader. Further, how they think I am performing as a leader and if they are sure about my plan for development will be beneficial for the company (Nzioki et al., 2018). If not the leaders have to work to reach their expectations too at the last the leader has to follow the steps, he has to set a goal for the company and make appropriate action plan to reach the goal he has made. A proper plan for development is made by following these steps and by choosing a wise, deserving leader.
It is concluded from the research that becoming a good leader is not an easy task, it is not fully dependent on my natural charisma. With the help of simple actions, I can easily refine my leadership skills and build myself as a great leader. One of the crucial thing that every leader should require is active learning. It is very much vital for not only myself but also for everyone in a good working environment. Every leader should make strong bonds with their workers and employees so that they can easily identify their problems and lead them to wipe the problems. They should express their gratitude to their followers as well as employees. If any decisive method would not have worked properly, then it is the duty of a leader to try something trending and innovative method to execute a critical task successfully. By following these steps, anybody can turn out to be a great leader. However, before evolving out as a leader, they should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of leadership and stakeholder management in their organization. Managing and fulfilling the requirement of every stakeholder is very much necessary for every organization in order to successfully run the business. Therefore, as an effective leader, I completely fulfil my duties in a strategic way and guide each and every employee in my organization. Whenever they face any difficulty, I went to them and trying to solve their problem. As a result, the employee ultimately learns their mistakes and do correction himself or herself in future.
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