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Man5060 Portfolio Assessment: Additional Guidance
Part One
Identifying Competencies (approx. 500 words)
- Choose a relevant, live or recent job advert (please provide a copy of the advert in your Appendices section after your References list)
- Show how you have conducted research into the background of the organisation/ sector to show understanding of the job role and it’s context.
- What have you found out about the organisation? Is it successful? What are the trends for this organisation? Is the company a market leader? What it is that appeals to you about working for this organisation? Why is the job needed (increased sales/ expansion/ investment in graduate talent, etc)?
Part Two
Reflect on your performance to date (approx. 1500 words)
- Select 3-4 competencies as specifically listed within the job advert (no more than 4 as you will run out of words for your word count) and give yourself a rating of 1-10 for each one
- Higher marks will be earned where students show evidence of using reflective models (such as Kolb; Borton; Gibbs)
- What have you learned from the process of reflecting on your competencies? What, if anything will you do differently following this learning? Why might reflective thinking and continuing professional development be important for the role you applying to?
Part Three
Reflect on your Competence and Employability Going Forward(approx. 1000 words)
- In this section you are required to reflect on how your work experience and or co-curricular activity has enhanced your personal / professional competence and employability:
- You are required to provide evidence to support the score you have given yourself in the previous section.
- You should then reflect upon this with regards to the level of competence required, identifying further development needs in the process.
- You should develop a Personal Develop Plan and present this as an appendix. This does not count towards the word count for this section.
The PDP: You may wish to consider:
- Is your PDP realistic and is each goal SMART?
- Are there any additional goals or targets you want to add here having reflected on Part One and Part Two?
- Who may help you achieve these goals or targets? (for example, from your workplace/ organisation/ other)
- What learning or training course could you do in order to help you achieve your goals and targets?
- Are the target dates practical?
Please remember to include appendices using a variety of appropriate media to support your conclusions.

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