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 What is this thing called sustainability?

  Learning Outcome One:

Critically evaluate the relationship between global trends in terms of the planet Earth’s life supporting systems.

In this essay, you need to critically discuss the concept of sustainability and how it is related to the global sustainability issues and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In particular you need examine sustainability theoretical principles, including Te Ao Māori worldview and knowledge, and discuss factors that contribute to sustainability issues still being a problem.

Use the following to guide your essay:

Section 1: What is sustainability?

What does sustainability mean and what key theoretical principles underpin it?

How can indigenous knowledge, such as Mātauranga Māori, influence our thinking and practice of sustainability?

What factors (e.g. debates about sustainability, politics, and neoliberalism) have contributed to sustainability issues still being prominent in contemporary society?

Section 2: Global sustainability issues

How do the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG’s) identify and illustrate global sustainability issues?

Choose one Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG) and discuss in detail the contributing factors to that issue and current progress

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